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2024獨眼大事回顧——運動員揚威國際 解決劏房現曙光

... 勞教 本港典堂級樂隊Beyond已故主音歌手黃家駒於將軍澳華人永遠墳場的墓地,本年5月19日遭兩名青年為博取知 ...全文


亞視窮小子獲金鐘獎 張啟樂:台灣給我新一頁

... 賓主要是在台港人,前Beyond成員劉志遠上他的節目,兩個港佬用國語聊着在台灣買餸的心得。 張啟樂也為此下過一 ...全文



... 以梅艷芳大姐大氣派加Beyond少年輕狂。嘩,大好機會,人生幾何!全場大合唱何等震撼!「原諒我這一生不羈放縱愛 ...全文


... 梓組成)  《天外》Beyond the Horizon, 2024     媒介:氣泡裝置     2 野 ...全文


Sex Robots as Perfect Confucian Wives?

... radition. Beyond highlighting the absurdity of this viewpoint, I cannot help but ask: what kind of academic review mechanism permitted the publication of a such a misleading and inflammatory article i ...More

EJ Insight2024-12-16

When you try so hard and you donot succeed

... s factors beyond an individual’s control. Straddling the two sets of cases are occurrences that are nominally impossible – or so we think – yet are empirically ubiquitous: where failure occurs due to ...More

EJ Insight2024-11-24

Rosy Moralisation and Geopolitical Analysis Don't Mix Well

There is a growing trend that concerns me in contemporary geopolitical discourse – beyond the tendency of popular discussions and commentaries to veer towards the banal, or for debates to become incre ...More

EJ Insight2024-11-14

參與決策 追求利潤兼推動社會

... el的海闊天空創投(Beyond Ventures)創辦人文立【下圖】指出,「其實每一初創都面對好多呢啲問題, ...全文

今日信報財經新聞EJ Tech 創科鬥室2024年11月11日

今日吾軀破地獄 他朝君體行四道

... 的主持人,坦言最常唱Beyond的《真的愛你》,「這首歌是永恒不死的,《毋忘愛》可以把喪禮變成很忌諱、不能講的 ...全文

今日信報副刊文化啟發新知吳雄 王嵐2024年11月09日

港創投Z Label籌9000萬 產品攻Z世代

本港創投集團The Z Label昨宣布融資9000萬元,此輪融資由海闊天空創投(Beyond Venture ...全文

今日信報財經新聞EJ Tech 創科鬥室2024年11月07日

Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night

... ho would, beyond posting the cursory post congratulating Bezos for taking a stance, in fact endorse and opt to openly back WashPo, does not appear to be all that quantitatively significant. Indeed, in ...More

EJ Insight2024-10-31

Parallel worlds

... gion, and beyond as means of dividing the population – reinforcing preexisting cleavages and axes of stratification in a society where the tethering to a common social fabric and contract is increasin ...More

EJ Insight2024-10-31


... 位美國大學教授合撰的Beyond the Status Quo: A Critical Assessment ...全文


To Be Free

... e extends beyond the desire to not be interfered with by strangers. Indeed, many are happy to trade off a modicum of freedom from interference, in order to receive the resources, networks, and knowled ...More

EJ Insight2024-09-30


... 投基金界的代表則來自Beyond Ventures、MindWorks Capital、Brizan Vent ...全文


Can AIs Write op-eds?

... e to look beyond my instinctive intuition. Indeed, I was drawn to the possibility that I might – indeed – be outdone by an AI. And hence I opted for the easiest solution and the best means of uncoveri ...More

EJ Insight2024-09-03

佐丹奴中期少賺37% 息8仙

... 長,集團將推行名為「Beyond Boundaries(超越界限)」的五年策略,具體措施包括引入速效措施、重獲 ...全文


Beyond Meat次季收入跌8.8% 調高全年預測

人造肉製造商Beyond Meat公布,截至6月底止第二季,錄得淨虧損3450萬元(美元‧下同),虧損額按年減 ...全文


【欲言不止】由奧運爆冷 談做短倉技巧

... 。例如素肉熱潮減退,Beyond Meat股票比幾年前高位跌了九成半以上。但現時買今年底到期的沽輪,輪價是股價 ...全文



... 。例如素肉熱潮減退,Beyond Meat股票比幾年前高位跌了九成半以上。但現時買今年底到期的認沽輪,輪價是股 ...全文


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