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Data protection in the cloud: 3 best practices

... ge costs. Beyond simple data, costs are API costs, data egress (transfer) and more. I always recommend enterprises have an established “cloud economic model” that they follow to prevent costs from pil ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-17

Closing the eco gender gap

... ends well beyond far-right influencers like Tate. The rationalism of the Enlightenment was of course at the root of industrialization and the evolution of modernity. Despite its many important contrib ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-16

Foxconn has ambitious targets in Electric Vehicles

... ectronics beyond gadgets like computers and smartphones into EVs is forcing the firm to diversify. One of its strengths is its capacity to mass produce components cheaply at factories around the world ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-13


美國家居用品零售商Bed Bath & Beyond(BBBY)證實,已經通過配股集資2.25億美元( ...全文


Hudson Bay傳牽頭 注資拯救BBBY

... ath & Beyond(BBBY)的牽頭投資者。 BBBY與Hudson Bay拒評上述消息。 有外 ...全文


BBBY據報覓得注資者 避過破產

外電引述消息人士報道,美國家居用品零售商Bed Bath & Beyond(BBBY)已在最後一刻找到 ...全文


Preparing now for the next health emergencies

... ithin and beyond the health sector, as well as engagement with civil society and the private sector, which played an important role in the COVID-19 response. Protecting against health shocks also invo ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-07


陷入財政困難的美國家居用品零售商Bed Bath & Beyond(BBBY),周一股價突然急升,即市 ...全文


科恩傳吸納Nordstrom股份 尋求更換董事

... ath & Beyond及GameStop兩間公司的主席。 ...全文


An effective introduction to effective altruism

... o extends beyond philanthropy – in challenging us to reimagine and plan accordingly our career choices and personal preferences in ways that generate the most long-term good. Setting aside the fringes ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-03

Realism about techno-optimism

... d go well beyond mere symbolism in households where it would mean cutting off the gas line altogether. The fusion and stove debates show why getting technology right requires moving beyond simplistic ...More

EJ Insight2023-02-01


路透引述知情人士報道,美國家居用品零售商Bed Bath & Beyond(BBBY)準備最快於本周尋 ...全文


【國際早班車】中美代表世貿會議互轟 北京指華府欺凌

... ath & Beyond (BBBY)洽商買家接盤的行動據報陷停滯,公司準備申請破產保護。■ 美國10 ...全文


未獲買家出價 BBBY賣盤磋商據報陷停頓

外電報道,美國家居用品零售商Bed Bath & Beyond (BBBY)尋找買家接盤的行動已陷於停 ...全文



... 》,而是香港搖滾樂隊Beyond的《海闊天空》,近年在內地大紅的本港歌手名G.E.M.,翻唱Beyond的《喜 ...全文


Measuring the worth of an educator

... ics that, beyond sound and fury, ultimately signify very little. The best educators are the ones who cultivate and build their students into successful, independent, autonomous, and free agents – who ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-27

摩通指BBBY債務違約 促全數償還

美國家居用品零售商Bed Bath & Beyond(BBBY)表示,接獲摩根大通知會,表示決定行使債 ...全文


If China wants to capture Taiwan, now is the time?

... eparation beyond weapon purchases. The island recently announced to extend its compulsory military service to one year from 2024. The forces will also revamp its ineffective and out-dated military tra ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-26

BBBY傳洽商融資 為可能破產做準備

美國媒體CNBC報道,家居用品零售商Bed Bath & Beyond(BBBY)與多間金融機構洽商融 ...全文


China’s autocracy in crisis

... xtend far beyond Chinese borders. Viruses, after all, travel, as do economic disruptions. The damage done to China by its autocratic regime will end up hurting us all. Copyright: Project Syndicate-- C ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-18

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