
共 3000 個結果
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鮑威爾舉棋不定 美股炒單邊訊息

... surprised to the upside over the past year.),才可作出適當的貨幣政 ...全文



... ush comes to shove,避險首選仍是美元美債。 從投機角度出發,老畢印象最深的一潮金市升浪發生於 ...全文



... ff本身專為CryptoPunks NFT持有者而設,根據官方網站資料,蒂芙尼會為這些CryptoPunks ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2022年08月02日

沒有自然 奢談淨零

... 零競賽」(Race to Zero)和「韌性競賽」(Race to Resilience)運動,將繼續同時開展 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2022年08月01日

HK-Mainland cross border data transfer: What do we need to know?

Whilst travel between Hong Kong and mainland China may still be subject to constraints, data and information still continue to flow seamlessly with the help of modern technology. With new rules and me ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-01

Sino-British relations to worsen with new Prime Minister

In October 2015, British Prime Minister David Cameron declared a “golden era” in his country’s relations with China. Now, not seven years later, the two people campaigning to become the next Prime Min ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-01

The Great Lease Resignation

Right across the world, businesses are thronging to exit traditional, long-term office leases, replacing them with flexible agreements with reduced fixed space in city centre locations. IWG founder an ...More

EJ Insight2022-08-01


... thing she touches turns to Chaos…The China mess is the ...全文



股神畢非德戰友芒格(Charlie Munger)曾經說過:If you're not willing to ...全文



... 同意(remain to be convinced)。」 前滙豐亞太企業傳訊部主管賀迪文(David Hall ...全文


Green Running

... 辦「Get Out To Plog」。 在香港,2018年亦有環保組織曾舉辦「HK Ploggers香港垃圾跑 ...全文


悉尼Balgowlah Heights屋價年飆38%
港灣簇擁遠離塵俗 大家庭高薪族青睞

... 濱步行徑Manly to Spit Bridge Coastal Walk其中兩個中途站,該步行徑全長10公里 ...全文



... 0元一個月能育兒有點Too good to be true。 用差不多的方法計算,在香港,恒生銀行最新的調查是 ...全文



... 聯盟(Access to Oncology Medicines Coalition),以改善低收入和中低收入國 ...全文

名家論壇Project Syndicate2022年07月29日

Heat wave everywhere

It’s so, so hot. That statement applies not only to Hong Kong, which has seen one of the hottest Julys on record – and that’s saying something. It is also true of UK – where talk of the weather is ubi ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-29

Seamless payment key to HK’s direct-to-consumer brands success

In the era of eCommerce, retailers understand clearly that presence in marketplaces alone is no longer enough to reach their consumers. It’s getting harder and harder to stand out in a crowded market, ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-29

The ECB’s political overreach

In mid-June, as the yield on Italian ten-year bonds was rising to around 250 basis points above that of German bonds, the European Central Bank felt it necessary to hold a special Governing Council me ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-29


...  in order to satisfy the Radical Left」、「very unfair」、「F ...全文


Regulating the metaverse: A ’metacode’ of conduct

The metaverse is opening a new frontier of opportunities in the digital economy. In Singapore, we have a bank that is looking for ways to bring banking services to the metaverse ; a hospitality group ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-28

‘Unbearable’-Chinese describe life without passports

Jenny is a young woman, educated in the United States, who returned home to take a high-paying job in finance in Shanghai. “I know how to enjoy my success. But, since the end of March, I had for many ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-28

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