來到這個數碼時代,我們每日的生活已和科技、資訊分不開,所以,當看到2017巴黎春夏時裝周的Chanel騷場變身 ...全文
... bottle of Chanel No.5 perfume on her desk. Chen allegedly told her that the gift, which is estimated to be worth HK$1,350, was just a goodwill gesture and that he hopes the bank will expedite his appl ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-27
國際名牌Chanel位於銅鑼灣利園商場共3層的名店,昨日凌晨4時許保安員發現地下一幅玻璃門被擊毀【圖】,內有搜 ...全文
Burglars smashed the glass door of a Chanel store in Causeway Bay and ransacked the shop, carting away an estimated HK$2 million worth of handbags, watches and jewelry, police said. Security guards ca ...More
EJ Insight2016-09-20
... 同場亦展出Coco Chanel親自設計的經典皮包、已故摩洛哥王妃Grace Kelly用過的Hermès原版 ...全文
... ll,打扮高貴,戴着Chanel耳環首飾來直播室,問我節目要做多久,我說時間不要緊,你喜歡的話可以坐耐些,不喜 ...全文
... Quadrato Chanel、Boy Chanel等袋款添上嶄新元素,將意大利電影的輝煌魅力與經典法式優雅 ...全文
在任何一間成功的公司或機構背後,除了有出色的領軍人物,也少不了一班肯做肯搏、有經驗有實力的員工,Chanel的 ...全文
... invest in Chanel products, claiming they could get them at half price and resell them at a huge profit, Apple Daily reports, citing court documents. The couple ran the alleged scam from January 2011 t ...More
EJ Insight2016-05-25
Chanel的時裝騷過往已帶過無數驚喜給大家,無論是現場布置、主題或舉行地點,總是一次又一次成功創新。往績彪炳 ...全文
... Vuitton, Chanel and Celine brands with price tags between HK$3,000 and HK$7,000 as well as 40 imitation Rolex and Omega watches priced between HK$1,000 and HK$2,000, along with jewelry products. The ...More
EJ Insight2016-05-06
繼Chanel和Prada宣布減價後,另一個奢侈品牌、意大利的Valentino昨天亦宣布,自今日起,大中華地 ...全文