
共 301 個結果
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Student leaders on the wrong side of history

... rcise the liberty that exists here. Only the most dimwitted student leader will not be able to understand that this liberty is derived from Hong Kong’s rather peculiar history and is only sustained b ...More

EJ Insight2016-06-03

Is the Netherlands really paradise on earth?

... of social liberty and openness. As a matter of fact, like anywhere else, life in the Netherlands isn't perfect, but there is still quite a lot we can learn from its higher education and social system. ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-30

蘋果老化 股神愛揸

... ic)、有線電視公司Liberty Global及媒體公司Liberty Media的持股,各公司都聘用大量工 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年05月18日

Here’s a Beijing conspiracy to mainlandize Hong Kong

... ndividual liberty and respect for individual property. “Assuming that the abstract individual was the center of all things and that the state existed only to secure his interests, it was thought that ...More

EJ Insight2016-05-12


... S.Mill在On Liberty裏邊說過的大道理,即Harm Principle和the Marketpla ...全文


古老當時興 復古風咕𠱸

... 立短短幾年已成為英國LIBERTY百貨長期合作的熱銷品牌。   ...全文


Cultural DNA: Hongkongers’ blood is different from mainlanders'

... ndividual liberty have long been the essence of the prevailing culture. How Hongkongers may respond, when someone they know is arrested as a protester, can be somewhere in between, and I am pretty sur ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-11


... te!一下子又回到了liberty跟security的永恒對決,好像要比Spotlight的故事麻煩一點,但細 ...全文



... 華字典》中,羅存德對liberty一詞有獨到的解釋,比如將freedom from restraint解作「自 ...全文



... (negative liberty),以個人為中心,而社會民主主義的所謂自由則為積極自由(positive l ...全文


San Miguel rattled by collapse of US$1 bln Telstra deal

San Miguel Corp., the Philippines' largest company, moved to shore up investor confidence after a planned US$1 billion wireless telecom venture with Australia's Telstra collapsed Monday. Liberty Telec ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-15

倫敦優質樓盤 The Liberty Building
捕捉升值潛力 海外投資首選

... 心高尚地段的The Liberty Building,不論自住抑或投資,都是你不二之選。 The Libert ...全文



英國發展商Telford Homes發展的倫敦樓花項目The Liberty Building本周五(11日) ...全文


Were things really better under the Brits?

...  love for liberty and a tenacious sense of belonging that was never envisaged by the British and most certainly is not in the plans of the new masters, yet they have to find a way of dealing with it.  ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-27

Academic freedom under attack

...  academic liberty is a blow struck against the meaning of a university, the irony today is that some of the most worrying attacks on these values have been coming from inside universities. In the Unit ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-23

Apple rejects court order on San Bernardino shooter's iPhone

... edoms and liberty our government is meant to protect." Apple's strong reaction to the court order dramatically escalates the battle between the tech industry and the US government over how much compan ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-18


...  who Shot Liberty Valance, 1962)頗值得參考。尊福拍西部片舉世知名,並贏得名與利 ...全文


Hong Kong and Taiwan: The ties that bind us

... ce and at Liberty Square in Taipei to demonstrate its solidarity with the Hong Kong democrats. The island’s elections also inspired Hongkongers as to how genuine democracy works. Hong Kong and Taiwan' ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-21

Abductions put Hong Kong officials on the spot

... fe and at liberty to do anything. The Hong Kong police, therefore, should wrap up the investigation after Lee crossed the border of his own accord. 3) Top officials pay lip service to the issue in the ...More

EJ Insight2016-01-12

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