
共 2858 個結果
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律師媽媽愛孩子 雪條傳揚健康訊息

... 雪條店Lola's Ice Pops,以新鮮水果、香料和天然材料製作招徠,旋即掀起熱潮。 12年前從事律師的S ...全文


Govt allots HK$50 mln for Rugby Sevens to boost local tourism

... heese and ice cream, as well as local snacks such as egg waffle. Fair organizers estimate that per-person spending will be around HK$80 at daytime while shop revenues and customer flows will rise 20 p ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-06


... 不多,較為人熟悉的是ICE美國進行交易的美滙指數期貨。 不過,由於ICE在4月1日開始收取昂貴的數據費,單是獲 ...全文


Mother's love spurs son to become Olympics champion

... e singles ice dancing competition during the 2013 Special Olympics World Winter Games in Pyeongchang, South Korea, his first international outing. Last month, the 17-year-old won another gold medal fo ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-01

美夏季需求增 推高油價

... 易所(NYMEX)和ICE Futures Europe三種主要原油合約的總和。淨好倉較去年12月22日的近期 ...全文

今日信報理財投資財經路向John Kemp2016年03月23日

貪婪恐懼起伏 逆向思維看市

... nge Inc., ICE)和芝加哥商業交易所控股(CME Group Inc., CME)並列三大金融交易所 ...全文


The story of ice and ice cream in Hong Kong

Forgive the Cantonese for mixing up ice and snow. After all, snow is something seen here once in a hundred years, if that often. The China Mail reported snow on The Peak on Jan. 17, 1893, when roofs ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-19

A roller coaster dream in the making

... r tasting ice cream. Anyone disposed to giving emotional comfort can engage in professional cuddling. Then there's designing roller coasters. That's a dream job for Shreela, a middle school student bo ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-19

Children's happiness is the cornerstone of our society

... known as "ice", in his blood, which caused his premature death. His drug-addicted parents were later arrested for child neglect. The Social Welfare Department summoned an inter-departmental task force ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-18

China Merchants joins race for Baltic Exchange: Reuters

... chmark indices - which could be further commercialized - and greater access to the multibillion-dollar freight derivatives market, the news agency said. It is the latest Chinese company to look at shi ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-17


... 1月美國洲際交易所(ICE)收購紐約泛歐交易所(NYSE Euronext)後,最大宗交易所合併個案。 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年03月17日

洲際交易所CEO 半途出家成大業

德意志交易所(Deutsche Boerse)有意與倫敦證券交易所(LSE)合併,美國的洲際交易所(ICE)不 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global人氣我寫2016年03月12日

Are you just paying lip service to environmental protection?

...  that the ice at the poles is melting, but Hong Kong is probably the only place on Earth that leaves the air conditioners on most of the time during winter, on buses and in the ubiquitous shopping mal ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-08


... 為止,仍是加拿大冰酒Ice Wine的主要葡萄。 最終,加州仍是美國最大最重要的葡萄酒產區,佔全國產量90%, ...全文


倫交所擇偶 四王爭一后?

... ;周二,洲際交易所(ICE)表示,正考慮競購倫交所,但沒有進一步公布詳情。 勝負看出價交易結構 倫交所與ICE ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年03月03日

小眾偏鋒滋味 德國「本土派」烈酒

... 意思,見Tobi拿出Ice Chiller,此立體方形器具就是「急凍冰霧」,巴閉在於可將酒杯在短短幾秒間冷卻至 ...全文



擁有紐約證交所的美國洲際交易所(ICE)周一確認,有意收購倫敦證券交易所(LSE),正與德意志交易所(Deut ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2016年03月02日

美數據欠佳 道指反覆

... 好後市,洲際交易所(ICE)周一的數據顯示,看好油價會上升的期貨和期權合約,升至2011年有紀錄以來最高的水平 ...全文


Economic damage seen rising faster than sea levels

... s of vast ice sheets on Greenland and Antarctica. The Potsdam scientists said that mathematical models they developed to estimate rising costs would work around the world. "You can apply it in Tokyo, ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-29


... )、美國洲際交易所(ICE)及美國普氏能源資訊(Platts)。 自2010年起,新加坡的全球最繁忙港口寶座已 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年02月27日

頁數:1...133 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 ...143

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