
共 3000 個結果
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How Hong Kong can boost startups and AI applications

After missing for a week and experiencing typhoon No. 9 and black rainstorm in early October, the 17-year-old student from Diocesan Boys' School, was finally found alive and was safe, everyone couldn' ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-21

中煙香港(06055) 持續關連交易

中煙香港(06055) 持續關連交易 延長有關與ALLIANCE ONE集團銷售及採購交易的框架協議(304K ...全文


Five terms you should know to understand China’s young guns

... n Zhuhai, one of the few mainland universities that adopt English as the main language. Exhausted too I guess after marking seven news writing assignments from each of the 76 students I have since Sep ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-20

Developing countries’ never-ending debt crisis

...  And no sooner was the proposed deal announced than it collapsed. China complained that its state-owned bank creditors were being treated less favorably than the bondholders. The Common Framework, as ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-20

How small businesses can thrive with the rise of Web3 technology

... l life is one in which their physical, mental and emotional needs are being met. Furthermore, 86% of people are excited about the impact technology will have on their wellness. According to a report b ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-20

The growing risk of global disorder

... er 7 has gone too far, with Israel losing international support. At the most recent UN General Assembly vote on a ceasefire, 153 countries voted in favor and only ten against, with 23 abstentions. A g ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-19

Youth suicide: When every death becomes a mere statistic

... es, loved ones, and friends – choosing to end their own lives for reasons that feel (even if they are not, in fact) beyond their control. There is nothing normal about adolescent students putting a pr ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-19

After Covid, Thailand struggles to attract Chinese tourists

... down from one million in 2019. In the first four months, the number was 220,000. “We miss our friends from China,” said Sorayuth Somluck, a taxi driver in Bangkok. “We welcome them. Thailand relies on ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-18

If you gaze long enough into an abyss,it will gaze back into you

... intricate one. The ethics of war is inherently murky, and filled with retrospective, ex post rationalisations anchored in biases, heuristics, and vested interests. People believe what they want to bel ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-18


... 彼得林區選股戰略》(One Up On Wall Street)這本書。但是他的另一本書《彼得林區征服股海》( ...全文


灣區商機巨 物流助企業拓跨境市場

... dEx專為中小企提供One-stop-shop Service,客戶可根據需要選擇所需的服務,充分地利用物流網 ...全文



... ither the one or the other,意思是學生或家長「用者自付」的效果至少跟公立教育一樣,甚 ...全文


Beyond borders: Exploring 2024 Asia Pacific payment trends

2023 has gone by in a flash but, as usual in the world of payments, things haven’t stood still - particularly in the fast-paced and fragmented Asia Pacific payments landscape. Statista forecasts that ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-15

Nothing changes

... i Annan, none have had great success in the role. To be fair, trying to persuade people with grossly overinflated egos to stop and listen to themselves, let alone to others, is akin to asking a mouse ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-14


... 保守黨內的中間派黨團One Nation揚言不會支持強化後的法案。這意味辛偉誠未來數周將要面對更多混亂局面,除 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年12月14日

微創機器人-B(02252) 其他-業務發展最新情況

微創機器人-B(02252) 自願性公告 - R-ONE血管介入手術機器人獲得國家藥品監督管理局的上市批准(3 ...全文


The big underperformance

No one knows more about the economic cycle than the stockbrokers. In the good old days, they ordered shark fins at Fook Lam Moon and they never missed a celebration drink party at Sevva. Now the Centr ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-13

與星空共享 嘗創意割烹

... 。位於尖沙咀The One的「Stella Kappo」便以意大利語「星星」命名,寓意在香港鬧市亦能欣賞夜幕裏 ...全文



... success? -one word answer : "rational" - Charles T. Mun ...全文


The Google trial’s dangerous secrecy

... ke the iPhone – was divulged during cross examination of one of the company’s witnesses. Another of Google’s witnesses inadvertently disclosed that the company pays Apple 36% of its search-advertising ...More

EJ Insight2023-12-08

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