
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150

The myth of hydrogen economy

... ome a hot topic. In the Ministry of Science and Technology’s 14th Five-Year Plan announced in 2021, hydrogen energy technology is one of the 18 key projects of China’s National Key R&D Programmes ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-10

Implications of a reshaping of global semiconductor supply chain

Asia’s dominance of the global semiconductor supply chain is likely to remain unrivalled in the near term. Efforts by the US, Europe and Japan to create a viable alternative, as well as China’s determ ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-10

Achieving operational resilience through risk management

Gartner defines operational resilience as “initiatives that expand business continuity management programs to focus on the impacts, connected risk appetite and tolerance levels for disruption of produ ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-10

美民主黨轟共和黨阻選舉法 延續國會山莊動亂

... 》(Freedom to Vote Act),抵消該等州份的修法行動。 民主黨去年兩度在參議院尋求通過該條法案 ...全文


Pessimism Amid Progress

Humanity as a whole is wealthier today than at any time ...全文

今日信報時事評論J.Bradford DeLong2022年01月10日

資本主義已成 「新封建主義」?

... (The Road to Serfdom),猛烈抨擊計劃經濟和政府管控市場會導致個人受奴役。 他怎樣也料不到, ...全文



... 括LTV(Loan-to-Value,貸款對價值)ratio特高,孖展利息超低。 戴孤劃:(突然間轉用普「東」 ...全文


焚燒半世紀 土庫曼謀滅「地獄之門」

中亞國家土庫曼俗稱「地獄之門」(Gateway to Hell)的巨大天然氣坑燃燒了50年之久,總統別爾德穆哈 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年01月10日

官媒惡搞《007》 諷MI6「無暇笑死」

中國官方新華社近日在Twitter發布名為《0.07:無暇笑死》(No Time to Die Laughin ...全文


Pessimism amid progress

Humanity as a whole is wealthier today than at any time in its history. And yet, from the short-term challenge of the pandemic to the existential threat of global warming, there is a widespread sense ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-07

【EJFQ信析】儲局鷹風超預期 防守板塊早轉旺

... 表規模(begin to reduce the size of the Federal Reserve's b ...全文


長實多元優質資產 根基鞏固穩健發展

... 頌銷情理想;Sea to Sky及洪水橋 #LYOS分層單位於去年內售罄;半山 21 Borrett Road ...全文


儲局鷹風超預期 防守板塊早轉旺

... 表規模(begin to reduce the size of the Federal Reserve's b ...全文



... e passion to learn)。朱先生也說:「我們幾乎可以說,兒童就是好奇心的化身。」「從某種意義上講 ...全文


Fed tipped to hike rates early 2022

The Federal Reserve is expected to hike rates by 25 basis points each in March and June this year, said Standard Chartered in a research report. This is likely to be followed by a pause in the second ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-06

中概翻生 還看螞蟻

... ba likely to emerge from 'dark woods' in 2022, albeit f ...全文


On quarantine, pandemic controls and common sense

...  unlikely to abandon its Zero COVID-19 policy any time ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2022年01月06日

Winning a Mark Six jackpot under the fifth wave

Who doesn’t want to win the Mark Six jackpot? It is this time of the year that we dream about becoming rich and think about how to spend it like the property tycoons. To kick off 2022, Hong Kong Jocke ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-05

Chips demand: Metaverse boom? Not so soon

... semiconductor industry in 2022? Morningstar’s prediction, according to its report entitled “For Asian Foundries, Chip Shortage May Turn Into a Glut in 2024”, is that metaverse-related concepts will no ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-05

On quarantine, pandemic controls and common sense

...  unlikely to abandon its Zero COVID-19 policy any time soon. The contagiousness of Omicron and other variants, the potential devastation COVID-19 could wreak in the country, the looming political conf ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-05

頁數:1...142 143 144 145 146 147 148 149 150

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