... ech giant Google's Android operating system, which is connected to most of the popular apps used by billions of people around the world. In a bid to lessen their dependence on US technology, Chinese s ...More
EJ Insight2020-02-12
Google is seeking to overturn the first of three hefty European Union antitrust fines at Europe’s second-highest court in a landmark case, Reuters reports. The company will lay out its arguments again ...More
EJ Insight2020-02-12
... :微軟、蘋果、谷歌(Google)母公司Alphabet,以及上周才突破萬億美元市值的亞馬遜。 他指,四公司開 ...全文
Concerned that big tech companies are unfairly engaging in potential anti-competitive behavior, the Federal Trade Commission has ordered Alphabet Inc.’s Google unit, Amazon.com Inc., Apple Inc., Faceb ...More
EJ Insight2020-02-12
... tflix and Google (FAANG), are enjoying an unprecedented market run. As they continue to push the boundaries of market power, we believe the potential for major US regulatory action becomes more likely ...More
EJ Insight2020-02-12
... 最高法院上訴。谷歌(Google)自家的假日租屋服務(holiday rental service)遭到40間 ...全文
... 他幕前演出機會。 在Google或Yahoo打林家謙3個字,最多網民搜尋的除了他兩首作品《下一位前度》及《聽風 ...全文
... 新任社長盧泰文負責,Google已透露會參加活動。 預期這次將發布Galaxy S20系列的Galaxy S2 ...全文
... 持續突破1萬億美元。Google母公司Alphabet股價升近2%;微軟升2.6%。 儘管美股上漲,但美債仍攀 ...全文
... 平,Netflix和Google母公司Alphabet分別漲1.17%及2%。 歐洲股市偏軟,泛歐Stoxx ...全文
智能揚聲器製造商Sonos上月向美國國際貿易委員會(ITC)提訴,指控Google在美國進口及銷售侵犯其專利技 ...全文
... inance of Google’s Play Store, Reuters reports. The four companies are ironing out kinks in what is known as the Global Developer Service Alliance (GDSA). The platform aims to make it easier for devel ...More
EJ Insight2020-02-07
... ebook and Google parent Alphabet. The appeals court, in its October decision, also ruled the FCC overstepped its legal authority when it declared that states cannot pass their own net neutrality laws. ...More
EJ Insight2020-02-07
... rome 69引擎的Google Chrome,或其他網頁瀏覽器(如Safari、Edge),將無法攔截惡意代 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年02月07日
Google相簿的Takeout功能,讓Google相簿的用戶可下載其相片作為備份,但該公司周二向用戶發電郵, ...全文