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We need short-term solutions to the caged home crisis

... g as stop-gap measures for the unwieldy housing crisis. ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年06月26日

How to feed ourselves

Humanity is drifting into increasing danger. Climate change is accelerating; biodiversity is plummeting; hunger and extreme poverty are rising; and the gap between rich and poor is widening. These tre ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-25

We need short-term solutions to the caged home crisis

... g as stop-gap measures for the unwieldy housing crisis. We certainly need more – and the government should take the lead in incentivising and calling for submissions conducive towards new, innovative ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-24

Open hybrid cloud: The next evolution of computing

... f 100. Singapore ranked second with a score of 81.5. Looking ahead, the next evolution in cloud computing that Hong Kong needs to be ready for is the open hybrid cloud. The open hybrid cloud strategy ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-23

It's time we did something about caged homes

... dium-term gap – e.g. the interim period between now, an ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年06月19日

It's time we did something about caged homes

... dium-term gap – e.g. the interim period between now, and when the government-backed housing supply initiatives truly come into effect. Firstly, it is imperative that existing caged homes be renovated ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-18

We don’t need the G7

... financing gap of around $148 billion per year. So, what does the G7 propose in this year’s communiqué? The leaders propose “a target to get 40 million more girls into education and with at least $2.75 ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-17


羚邦集團(02230)宣布,授權美國經典卡通人物大力水手,予全球休閒服裝品牌GAP,以推出一系列聯名時裝。 該 ...全文


羚邦集團(02230) 其他-業務發展最新情況

... 及日本授權大力水手予GAP(516KB, pdf) ...全文


Investing in data saves lives

... ding both gaps and quality, limit the viability and accuracy of such models for the world’s most vulnerable countries. For example, data on the prevalence of cardiovascular diseases was 4-7 years old ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-03

【國際早班車】美高官稱與華接觸時代結束 中方回應

... 面臨更嚴厲監管。■ Gap首季出乎意料按年轉賺1.66億美元,收入升89%勝預期。行政總裁辛格爾說,若以兩年為 ...全文


Gap上季收入重返疫前水平 調高全年預測

美國服裝零售商Gap公布,截至5月1日止首季,利潤為1.66億元(美元‧下同),去年同期虧損9.32億元;每股 ...全文


Without LGBTQIA+ equality, there can be no equality in HK

...  widening gap between the rich and the poor, but also t ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年05月26日


... 缺口(output gap,亦即潛在GDP與實際出現GDP之差),並可能引發通脹壓力。美國前財長薩默斯(Law ...全文


Without LGBTQIA+ equality, there can be no equality in HK

...  widening gap between the rich and the poor, but also the absolute stagnation when it comes to disadvantaged families seeking to break free of the poverty cycle. Inequity in access to education – spec ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-25

Unlocking opportunities in China’s onshore corporate bond market

... onds. The gap has widened significantly since the second quarter of 2020, when the Chinese government began to tighten onshore monetary conditions. As the effect of policy normalisation fades, the yie ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-20

道指曾飆346收市漲238點 納指受壓

... 超過2%。服裝零售股Gap攀升逾7%,百貨集團Macy進賬8%。 87%標指成份股季績勝預期 美股首季業績期過 ...全文


冀商業化發展 開拓ESG機遇

... Breach to Gap)的工具,讓企業或市民有份種植珊瑚礁盤。我相信,他們若能參與其中,並與海洋連結,自然 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2021年04月30日

Productivity after the pandemic

... ductivity gap between big “superstar” firms and a long tail of lagging competitors will increase, diminishing economy-wide productivity gains and exacerbating the post-2008 trends toward greater inequ ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-21


... 款差額」 (tax gap)。 稅款差額是指納稅人少報收入,或者誇大扣稅優惠後,令稅局少收的稅款。 美國總統拜 ...全文


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