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... 密經貿關係的安排》(CEPA)是加快和推進內地與香港經貿往來互動,為本港工商與專業服務開拓內地市場建立重要平台 ...全文


美國加息在即 香港應對之道

... 議加深經濟夥伴合作(CEPA),港商把握新商機,投資內地的融資需求乃顯得較本地殷切。 扼要地說,游資湧港且徘徊 ...全文



... 向開放的「橋頭堡」:CEPA、人民幣離岸中心、「滬港通」等,特別是具有里程碑意義的內地與香港基金互認在今年的啟 ...全文


前海合資基金 恒生持股七成

... 緊密經貿關係安排》「CEPA補充協議十」在內地申請設立外資控股合資基金管理公司的項目。按恒生的計劃,經營的範圍 ...全文



... ,近年來除因內地實施CEPA和開放「自由行」等,一度帶動了香港零售和旅遊酒店業等的復甦增長外,似乎更多只是推動 ...全文


Lam blames tight land supply for stifling growth

... angement (CEPA), cross-border stock trading and an offshore renminbi trading scheme. "CEPA ... is a major reason why nearly 7,600 companies from around the world maintain offices in Hong Kong," she sa ...More

EJ Insight2015-07-24

Shenzhen residents resent HK travel curb, but who's to blame?

... angement (CEPA) and the individual visit scheme -- being showered by China, Hong Kong has a condescending and disdainful attitude toward people from across the border.  Under the one country, two syst ...More

EJ Insight2015-04-15

Can cheap movie tickets win hearts of youth?

... mainland. CEPA allows Hong Kong productions to secure local status in the mainland and to be aired together with domestic productions as long as they are produced in partnership with Chinese productio ...More

EJ Insight2015-01-20

How HK can ride China's next five-year plan

... angement (CEPA) between the two sides will continue to deepen and widen. CEPA will open up more service businesses in the mainland to Hong Kong firms. A "negative list" model will be adopted for some ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-15

Today and tomorrow for Hong Kong and Taiwan

... angement (CEPA) between the mainland and Hong Kong. After all these years since it was signed in 2003, the people of Hong Kong know its pros and cons only too well. One of the negative consequences of ...More

EJ Insight2014-12-10

Hong Kong, Taiwan aim for CEPA-like trade deal

Taiwan and Hong Kong aim to have a CEPA-like agreement to streamline tourism, logistics and capital flow between the two centers, according to a non-government business panel. "The Hong Kong governmen ...More

EJ Insight2014-04-28

HK firms save 3.98 bln yuan on CEPA incentives, Xinhua says

Preferential tariff granted to Hong Kong firms under the Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement (CEPA) with mainland China have helped them save about 3.98 billion yuan (US$657.64 million) on US$7.16 ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-21

Qianhai submits new policy lures to Beijing, paper says

... under the CEPA framework, as well as mutual recognition of professional qualifications between Qianhai and Hong Kong, the report said. -- Contact HKEJ at [email protected] EL/AC/SK   ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-29

Guangzhou opens commercial insurance claims sector, CNS says

Guangzhou will open its commercial insurance claims sector to qualified service providers from Hong Kong and Macau, China News Service reported Monday. The southern mainland city has been designated a ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-26

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