... , than to keep the existing coal fleet up and running. While the 2023 figure accounts for the expanded solar and wind tax credits under the Inflation Reduction Act, it does not include additional ince ...More
EJ Insight2023-08-15
... useful to keep in mind. Engel‘s pause describes the effect during the industrial revolution, which eventually led to higher living standards for workers after several generations. However, it hurt wor ...More
EJ Insight2023-08-10
... licy must keep many officials busy, reading each book to see if it is one the government should recommend. Only days ago, on August 1, the police’s counter terrorism unit launched a drive urging all 4 ...More
EJ Insight2023-08-07
... the “just keep dancing” approach of Chuck Prince, how should we think about building portfolios when we know that systemic vulnerabilities exist? This question takes us to a world I last visited way b ...More
EJ Insight2023-08-04
... 如利用Google Keep為工作快速記錄,再以Notion來作團隊合作,中間還可用Miro來協助組織和思考; ...全文
... t only to keep relatively slow-moving averages from increasing further, but – even more importantly – to keep uncertainties in check. The floods, droughts, wildfires, and other extreme climate-driven ...More
EJ Insight2023-07-19
... ng we can keep low corporate taxes and threats to globalisation of which Ireland has been a major beneficiary. The housing crisis is the most severe. If the government used the money now, it would fue ...More
EJ Insight2023-07-17
... K(江𤒹生)近期新歌Keep Rollin'第一句歌詞:「忍我一味忍 一再抑鬱 屈了半膝 心裏有戰爭」醒了一下 ...全文
... 追捧 昨天新上市股份Keep Inc.(03650)雖然以下限28.92元定價,中籤率40%,昨收報29元,較 ...全文
... 升級,股價飆5%。 KEEP(03650):今日掛牌,收報29元,高招股價0.28%,不計手續費,每手賺8元。 ...全文
內地最大線上健身平台KEEP(03650)今日掛牌,開報30.3元,比招股價28.92元,高4.8%,之後低見 ...全文
內地最大線上健身平台KEEP(03650)今早掛牌,開報30.3元,比招股價28.92元,高4.8%,現造29 ...全文
內地最大線上健身平台KEEP(03650)公布招股結果,每股以招股價下限的28.92元定價,集資淨額約1.92 ...全文