互聯網保安服務供應商Juniper Networks公布,去年第四季利潤按年跌12.4%至1.684億美元;每 ...全文
... tudy from Juniper Research found that the operational cost savings from using chatbots in banking will reach US$7.3 billion globally by 2023, up from an estimated US$209 million in 2019. Apart from fi ...More
EJ Insight2019-12-12
... 供全面銀行服務。根據Juniper Research的數據,預料到2020年底,Google Pay全球用戶將 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年11月18日
... 技股如NetApp和Juniper Networks跟隨向下滑逾3%,晶片股美光(Micron)則反彈2.5% ...全文
... 技股如NetApp和Juniper Networks跟隨向下滑逾3%,晶片股美光(Micron)則反彈2.5% ...全文
美國互聯網設備生產商Juniper Networks宣布,計劃收購無線網絡設備生產商Mist Systems, ...全文
... 美國互聯網設備生產商Juniper Networks,職至財務總監。 2014年,德諾姆開始兼任Tesla非執 ...全文
... 事朱尼珀(Tony Juniper)表示,透過新的國際自然協議,能讓各國處理物種滅絕危機的根本原因,包括保持生 ...全文
... 惠普企業(HPE)和Juniper Networks提交聯合文件稱,受關稅影響,路由器和交換機等推動5G技術所 ...全文
... ear maker Juniper Networks. Rice, the first African-American and second woman to join the board, is CEO of Johnson Publishing Company and chairman emeritus of EBONY Media Holdings, the parent of EBON ...More
EJ Insight2018-08-15
... relations Juniper Downs and Twitter’s senior strategist Nick Pickles will testify, the committee said. The committee held a hearing in April on the same topic after representatives of the companies sk ...More
EJ Insight2018-07-16
... ng Cisco, Juniper Networks, Oracle, Nokia, SAP, Dell and cyber security firms Symantec, FireEye and Trend Micro. The list of companies does not include any from Russia, China, Iran or North Korea, wid ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-18
... ording to Juniper Research. Amazon’s Alexa platform could generate $10 billion in revenues by 2020, a separate report from RBC Capital Markets estimated. “Brands are looking at Google as the enemy of ...More
EJ Insight2018-03-19
... 構符合法規。研究機構Juniper Research估計,RegTech不僅可以減省數以百億美元支出,更有助提 ...全文
... 能帶來商機。研究機構Juniper Research去年10月估計,未來5年內全球銀行在RegTech的投資平 ...全文
本周繼續討論Juniper的情況,看起來也頗為合時。敝欄上周1月27日以〈Juniper遇華為 處境堪憂〉為題 ...全文
互聯網設備生產商Juniper公布,去年第四季錄得淨虧損1.481億美元,前一年度同期獲利1.889億美元。每 ...全文