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... 學,獲悉World Central Kitchen(WCK)負責烏克蘭難民營膳食,於是申請做義工。獲接納後飛赴 ...全文


No health without mental health

... n Kowloon Central) to 61 weeks (New Territories East and West). In the treatment of mental illness, psychiatrists who prescribe drugs, clinical psychologists who provide assessment and psychotherapy t ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-10

The Fed does not deserve all the inflation blame

... and other central banks around the world have had to navigate in recent years. In the United States, pressures on the Fed reached a peak when the Democrats, eager to put progressive ideas into practic ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-10


... (European Central Bank)也把人民幣列為儲備貨幣,反映歐洲重視中歐經貿關係。 第三,俄烏戰 ...全文


商品價飆帶挈 印尼股市今年漲12%

... 銀行PT Bank Central Asia股價今年累升11%。 不過,印尼股市周一長假後重開,跟隨外圍最近跌 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年05月10日

Prince Central擬本周現樓開售

兩個市區單幢新盤短期內出擊,新地(00016)何文田Prince Central重啟銷售部署,將提供「超級優惠 ...全文


華懋創新轉型 拓共享概念
設CCG Commons品牌 走年輕人路線

... 為the Hive Central X CCG Commons,佔地4層共1.7萬方呎,每張辦公桌月租由300 ...全文


Prince Central料短期內開售

新地(00016)旗下何文田單幢式豪宅Prince Central重啟銷售部署,明日開放現樓示範單位予公眾參觀 ...全文



... 發展成「CBD2」(Central Business District 2,第二核心商業區)的構想,「呢兩個項 ...全文



... 5號的Prince Central,亦計劃短期內以現樓形式登場,項目提供101伙,實用面積251至1351方呎 ...全文


Private-debt risks are hiding in plain sight

...  acute in Central Asia, where banks are highly exposed to Russian financial institutions and connected to one another via large cross-border remittance flows. New capital and foreign-exchange controls ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-06

China’s support for Putin provokes hatred in Eastern Europe

... the China-Central and Eastern Europe Investment Co-operation Fund, has just completed a tour of eight countries in the region – the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Croatia, Slovenia, Estonia, Latvi ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-05

SMBs can thrive by harnessing the power of innovation

... s but its central ideas are more relevant to SMBs than ever. At its core, the concept simply means using creativity to improve in three areas: products and services, business model and customer experi ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-05

China's stance toward Putin provokes hatred in Eastern Europe

... the China-Central and Eastern Europe Investment Co-oper ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2022年05月05日

Beijing’s choice John Lee now needs to woo the people

...  that the central government “strongly supports the Carrie Lam-led Hong Kong government, and the police to enforce the law.” Support by Beijing of the Hong Kong police was made clear repeatedly at sub ...More

EJ Insight2022-05-04

柏瓏II獲批預售 新地兩盤蓄勢推

... 何文田Prince Central,兩盤共677伙。 柏瓏I盡推餘貨 超購18.3倍 信置營業部集團聯席董事田 ...全文


Evolving investor expectations

... treat the central (most likely) scenarios implied in futures curves with caution. Uncertainty in the world rose during the first quarter, expanding the range of possible outcomes to imply that anythin ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-29

The gathering stagflationary storm

... ollar – a central instrument in the enforcement of sanctions – is also stagflationary. Not only does it create severe friction in international trade in goods, services, commodities, and capital; it e ...More

EJ Insight2022-04-29


... 何文田Prince Central後推售,最快6月登場。 他續稱,NOVO LAND屬於屯門歷來最大型的私人住 ...全文



...  in Town: Central Banks, Instability, and Avoiding the ...全文


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