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... 城、新城市廣場、V City等25個重點商場,以中銀信用卡或BoC Pay累積簽賬達指定金額,即可賺取The ...全文


New TSMC plant key to Japan’s plan to rebuild chip industry

... nnual capacity was more than 13 million 12-inch equivalent wafers, with 10 fabs in Taiwan, two in China and one in the U.S. It is building a plant in Phoenix, Arizona and in negotiations to build one ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-16

倫敦Hoxton West靜中帶旺吸白領租客
毗鄰金融城酒吧街 上班娛樂信步至

... ,又接近傳統金融中心City of London,可算靜中帶旺,因此白領精英為區內的潛在租客。面積細小的Hox ...全文


COP27 experience and the way forward as a young climate advocate

... le in our city in climate actions? I think Hong Kong youths can start by raising their own awareness of climate issues. CarbonCare InnoLab has put tremendous effort into climate education for differen ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-12

Hongkongers in Britain face worst winter for 30 years

...  new home city (in the British Midlands)". The grocerie ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2023年01月12日

Can the youth speak?

A specter haunts the way we think about the youth in our city. The specter is a fundamental failure to take their agency seriously. The most obvious means by which this failure manifests, of course, i ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-06

Government shows Hong Kong’s Court of Final Appeal not so final

... mp up the city’s economy, which is now in recession. At the same time, Lee is working to have foreign investors and business people, some of whom have relocated to Singapore, return to Hong Kong and h ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-04


... dbox Mega City 2購入一塊虛擬土地,建設首個綠色都市MetaGreen,有關項目首階段將於本月1 ...全文


Card cycling: The fraudulent tactic threatening Hong Kong SMEs

Hong Kong is one of the world’s premier financial hubs, so it is of little surprise that the city and its residents’ finances are attractive to fraudsters. According to a study conducted by NordVPN, 3 ...More

EJ Insight2023-01-03

柬埔寨賭場燒通頂19死 多人跳樓逃生

鄰近泰國邊境的柬埔寨鑽石城賭場酒店(Grand Diamond City)周三深夜發生大火,至少造成19人喪生 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年12月30日


... resilient city)是一個積極回應極端天氣對城市帶來傷害的方法。 韌性(resilience)可被理 ...全文


Tell good HK stories. Heal the anguish. Let’s do both in 2023

... nging the city’s praises. But, as a local columnist said, the world doesn’t revolve around Hong Kong. Many places, such as Singapore, want the talented. These people have choices. They will examine th ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-22

Tell good HK stories. Heal the anguish.
Let's do both in the New Year

... nging the city's praises. But, as a local columnist sai ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMichael Chugani2022年12月22日


... 市」(Garden City)。梭亞雷斯小名稱作Frank。所謂「花園城市」由一名英國城市學家提出,為緩解大城 ...全文



... o Harbour City」IG有獎遊戲,海外朋友只需發布一篇關於「海港城一天遊行程」的貼文,1,000名最 ...全文


Full reopening of Hong Kong requires a mindset shift

... ut of the city; second, for signalling to the world that perhaps, at least when it comes to travel to and fro the city, Hong Kong is indeed back. Yet this is by no means enough. I was sauntering on th ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-15

All I want for Christmas…

... ments our city has to offer. Hong Kongers, on the other hand, have flocked to a variety of travel destinations abroad. Who suffers the most? Our hotel and retail industry – clearly. If we are indeed t ...More

EJ Insight2022-12-12

煤氣烹飪中心 X city'super X Kelly's Capebop呈獻

... 中心大顯身手,利用由City of Seosan、K-Fish及city'super提供的精選優質韓國食材,以 ...全文



... f Ramadan City)巿郊鐵路,和新行政首都中央商務區重大合作項目。中方願同埃方以首屆中阿峰會為契機, ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年12月10日


... irmingham City PLC(BCP)的約75%權益訂立任何協議,BCP及球會仍為該公司的附屬公司。 ...全文


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