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Ferry crashes into parapets at Ocean Terminal; no one injured

Police and the Marine Department are trying to determine what may have caused a ferry boat to go crashing into the outer parapet walls at the Ocean Terminal in Tsim Sha Tsui on Monday. Operated by the ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-29

大馬新政府甫上台 下周二停搜MH370

... 判予美國海床勘探公司Ocean Infinity的搜索工作原訂4月結束,但已應對方要求兩度延期,在下周二的最後 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年05月24日

Russian military spending falls 20 percent, says think tank

...  Atlantic Ocean with your navy,” Wezeman said. “But I am sure that there will be serious cost cuts to those.” Russia’s finances are still fragile following a two-year economic downturn brought on by W ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-02


... 物。名為「Blue Ocean」的天然藍色Smoothie bowl內含藍莓、藍螺旋藻、香蕉、椰奶,頂層灑上椰 ...全文


Meet the two men behind girls’ fashion e-retailer MyDress

... be a deep ocean of secrets, but MyDress found the key to unlock them through customer data analytics. By analyzing customer usage and browsing data, MyDress is able to identify products that customers ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-13

科大生命科學教授 呼籲港人「走塑」 保護海洋生態

... y and the Ocean特展。還會為中學生舉辦夏日Camp,讓他們到科大體驗做研究。 別要「死讀書」 對 ...全文


China says space station burnt up over South Pacific

... is in the ocean, and even if people stumbled over it, it would just look like rubbish in the ocean and be spread over a huge area of thousands of square kilometers.” China said on Friday it was unlike ...More

EJ Insight2018-04-03

Chinese NGOs expand activities overseas

... he Indian Ocean and to Africa. It wasn’t just Chinese-assembled goods and investment that were moving out into the world. From virtually zero in the late 1970s, the number of Chinese students studying ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-29

Stray fox found in Lantau settles into new home at Singapore Zoo

A stray fox that was found on Lantau Island eight months ago has settled down in Singapore after Hong Kong’s Ocean Park decided it could not offer an ideal home for the animal. According to a message ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-21


... 達集團和私募股權公司Ocean Link。 同程藝龍運營着幾家提供國內外旅遊服務的網站,而在其所參與的網上旅遊 ...全文



... 他們「去玩、去癲、去Ocean Park」,怎麼辦呢?你出豉油,我要出雞,一窮二白的我只好鋌而走險持槍打劫。 ...全文


Chan sees housing shortage easing but warns of rate hikes

... and - Ask Ocean Park to hand out 10,000 complimentary admission tickets to primary and secondary school students in the coming year. – Contact us at [email protected] BN/CG ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-28

Hong Kong govt in tourism Wonderland

... ss-making Ocean Park – it lost HK$234 million last year but at least is not saddled with a bunch of payments to another company regardless of whether it makes money or not. Very belatedly the governme ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-23

Sino-Indian rivalry behind the political turmoil in Maldives

Maldives, the once tranquil island nation lying in the Indian Ocean and a popular destination for holidaymakers, has been threatened by rising sea levels in recent years as a result of global warming. ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-23

陳列商品 一鍵分享 fb推3D帖文變廣告神器

... ial VR創意總監Ocean Quigley認為,從過去的文字、圖片、影片,以至最新推出的3D模型,社交媒體 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年02月22日

Don't fret if you only got HK$20 in your lai see

... s HK$20.  Ocean Park gave HK$1,200 to its full-time staff and HK$600 to each of its part-time employees – definitely much more generous than the payout from rival Hong Kong Disneyland, which just anno ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-21

Time to be more receptive to overseas-trained doctors and nurses

... op in the ocean amid the acute staff shortage that has been plaguing our public health care sector for years. As lawmaker and chairman of the AHKNS Joseph Lee Kok-long has pointed out, the nurse-to-pa ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-21

Why Taiwan will retain its allure despite the quake

... e Pacific Ocean and the central mountains. Migrants say that the biggest headache is finding well-paid employment. Wages have been stagnant in Taiwan for a decade; thousands of qualified people seek w ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-13

What govt needs to do on Fanling Golf Course land issue

... op in the ocean amid our current land shortage crisis, at least it can facilitate further efforts at exploring new land options and break the current stalemate in the government’s initiatives to find ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-08

船隻搜索MH370 突離奇消失3天

... 更添神秘。 美國公司Ocean Infinity以「不成功不收費」的形式受聘於馬來西亞政府,上月22日展開為期 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年02月07日

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