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從Sesame Place風波看歧視現實

... 亞州的Sesame Place主題公園隨花車巡遊,一路跟遊人揮手及Hi Five擊掌。 黑人小女孩遭冷待群情洶 ...全文



位於美國賓夕法尼亞州的芝麻街主題樂園「芝麻天地」(Sesame Place)涉及種族歧視,芝麻街角色Rosit ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2022年07月21日

Private equity’s ESG generation

...  a better place if firms and investors consistently adhered to environmental, social, and governance criteria? Not so fast, say some. The idea that business has an obligation to report on and discuss ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-15

Tips on personal data protection for Hong Kong companies

... be set in place to prevent the sensitive information from attempts to gain unauthorised access. A written Personal Information Collection Statement should also be provided to the employees or other da ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-12

Boris Johnson leaves behind a sterling mess

... isis took place against the backdrop of a crushing 21% unemployment rate. There was much discussion then of whether high unemployment reflected Britain’s poor productivity performance or the global de ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-11


... Discovery Place 14號4房獨立屋,今年5月初成交價109萬澳元(約583萬港元),較原業主20 ...全文


凱柏峰I暫收逾3800票 超購15倍

... 級市場Market Place及萬寧。另外,NOVO LAND第1A期入伙後,計劃於周末提供穿梭巴士服務前往屯 ...全文


NOVO LAND基座商場預租率達七成

... 級市場Market Place及萬寧等。 新地代理總經理陳漢麟指出,NOVO LAND第1A期涉及824伙,將 ...全文


Thailand chases Hong Kong talent, capital–and 'digital nomads'

... s been in place for many years. The government wants to attract three million foreign residents,” he said. Thailand has long been popular with Western retirees, who enjoy the warm climate, low cost of ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-05

Factoring data sovereignty in your cloud strategy

... a plan in place to recognise the large and heavily used datasets and for these ensure they are architected to be secure and mobile.● Plan for periodic reviews: Remaining compliant requires constant vi ...More

EJ Insight2022-07-05


...  a public place),相信是為了避免爭拗。否則有人可以辯駁說,公廁雖屬「公眾處所」,但廁格的門一旦 ...全文


Epidemic and 40-year-high inflation stalk HK migrants in UK

... sh school places since last September. One of the most popular is Solihull, a wealthy suburb of Birmingham. A spokeswoman for the city council said that it had received more than 800 applications from ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-30

Epidemic and 40-year-high inflation stalk HK migrants in UK

... sh school places since last September. One of the most ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O’Neill2022年06月30日

3安老院舍爆疫 涉Omicron病毒
港新症連續12天逾千宗 撲2000水平

...  Andrew's Place洋房,但未有列出是哪一座。   ...全文


開市焦點:港股料反彈近百點 十天及廿天線爭持

... ndon Wall Place一幢16層高商業樓宇,包括18.72萬平方呎的甲級寫字樓及1500平方呎的零售空 ...全文


微軟支援港初創 逾40企參與
最長為期4年 供雲端軟件資源

... 市集(Market Place),讓不同投資者及金融機構選擇合適算法。鑑於該公司處理海量來自股票、外滙、商品期 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2022年06月23日


... ndon Wall Place的一幢16層高商業樓宇,距離Moorgate站步行2分鐘,提供18.72萬平方呎 ...全文


No way home

... ing for a place to stay. This is sheer madness. None of this makes sense. Why not home quarantine? Why not remove quarantine for triple-jabbed visitors? Why not embrace a pragmatic mix of pro-wellbein ...More

EJ Insight2022-06-22

YORK PLACE三房4.1萬承租 較高位低15%

灣仔YORK PLACE高層A室,實用面積684方呎,3房套間隔,望城市景。業主以4.1萬將單位租出,實用呎租 ...全文


本港窗口角色瀕消失 人才外流損根基

... nd a hard place(左右為難)」的境地。 港府採用「動態清零」方針,以便優先與內地通關,惟特首林鄭 ...全文


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