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Don't Look Up!

... he raging COVID-19 pandemic and omicron variant; the co ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2022年01月04日

Don't look up!

The asteroid that’s heading for Earth in Don’t Look Up; the raging COVID-19 pandemic and omicron variant; the collapse of our environment under the weight of climate change; the ever-encroaching threa ...More

EJ Insight2022-01-03


... 」踢走「倒轉地球」的COVID-19。縱使全球最終能否戰勝疫症尚未可知,高仁卻可以大膽肯定一件事——今年,機會 ...全文


Good riddance, 2021!

... 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic persisted. More have perish ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年12月31日

The mutation of vaccine apartheid

The reaction by governments in the Global North to the discovery of the Omicron variant of COVID-19 in South Africa has provided further proof – as if any more were needed – of the deeply inequitable ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-30

疫情 疫苗 2021

... 建立了新常態,準備與COVID-19『共存』。如人類應對流感大流行,大家時刻注意個人衞生,每年接種流感疫苗,預 ...全文


Good riddance, 2021!

With all due respect, this has been another annus horribilis. Arguably a year that is – at its core – far worse as compared with even 2020. The COVID-19 pandemic persisted. More have perished this yea ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-29


... 子們一起度過。去年有COVID-19,住在美國的小女兒一家不能回來,今年檢疫期增至21日,當然更加不可能了。 ...全文



... 學者膽敢斬釘截鐵預測COVID-19會在何時受控。在這個漫長的等候時間,有人會產生身心疲累,像在黑暗的隧道躑躅 ...全文



... 的冬季,大家快些接種COVID-19疫苗,減低身體損害,保護自己和家人。 作者為兒科專科醫生   [信健康] ...全文



... 的口服藥取得大成功,COVID-19才有望與流感相提並論,那麼Omicron的影響便會降低,成為所謂的「聖誕禮 ...全文


【異動股】康希諾升7% 新冠肺炎疫苗三期試驗保護率達世衛標準

... 8天後對預防有症狀的COVID-19疾病顯示出57.5%的有效性,對預防重症疾病顯示出91.7%的有效性;在接 ...全文


Does Japan vindicate modern monetary theory?

Public debt has soared since the 2008 financial crisis, and especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. According to the International Monetary Fund, the ratio of public debt to GDP in advanced economies ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-23

Vicious crises

... o achieve COVID-19 vaccine equity need to wake up about the world we live in. Under current circumstances, global governance is guaranteed to disappoint. In a new report, Our Global Condition, I and m ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-21

Britain's upcoming bleak winter

... and other COVID-19 variants), as well as bearing the ca ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年12月21日

Promoting smart construction with interactive map dashboard

... ch as the COVID-19 epidemic or the reclamation project. Thanks to the forward-looking managers who had the courage to experiment so that we can enjoy the benefits of smart technologies. A sure way to ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-20

Britain’s upcoming bleak winter

... and other COVID-19 variants), as well as bearing the capability of evading vaccination and natural immunity. Even if it were the case that its mortality rates and virulence pale somewhat in juxtaposit ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-20

個人防護設備 如何減少污染?

... result of COVID-19 measures,作者來自英國Portsmouth及Southampto ...全文


玻璃價格看漲 信義光能值博

... 收抵免和歐盟推出綠色COVID-19復甦方案。 然而,太陽能組件於上半年漲價,導致組件製造商減慢生產、延遲交付 ...全文


IMF’s misstep on climate finance

The International Monetary Fund seems determined to dilute one of the best examples of global cooperation in response to the economic disruptions induced by the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change. I ...More

EJ Insight2021-12-16

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