SHOUGANG GRAND(00730) 延遲寄發通函(97KB, pdf) ...全文
元朗Grand YOHO 1座低層G室,實用面積507方呎,2房間隔,零議價以920萬元易手,實用呎價1814 ...全文
... ss than a Grand Central one-bedroom unit for the winner of vaccination lucky draw, but we certainly hope there will be more young athletes winning in Tokyo Olympics.Let’s give them a big cheer! -- Con ...More
EJ Insight2021-07-21
尖沙咀柯士甸站GRAND AUSTIN 1A座中層A室,實用面積943方呎,3房套房間隔,另設工人套房,單位座 ...全文
... 期(MONTARA、GRAND MONTARA)和9A期MARINI,啟德嘉峯匯及尚.珒溋,交通優勢毋庸置疑。 ...全文
... ying such grand-standing gestures and speech remains de ...全文
今日信報時事評論EJ InsightA Hong Konger2021年07月17日
... ying such grand-standing gestures and speech remains deeply rooted anxieties, insecurities, and uncertainty over the city’s future. Hong Kong has endured some of the worst episodes of political violen ...More
EJ Insight2021-07-15
SHOUGANG GRAND(00730) 主要交易 - 融資租賃協議(209KB, pdf) ...全文
元朗Grand YOHO 1座高層H室,實用面積499方呎,2房間隔,叫價900萬元,議價後以883萬元沽出, ...全文
... 萬元或98.1%。 Grand YOHO最貴兩房1030萬 上址客飯廳及睡房雖經過翻新,惟廚房卻保留上世紀八十 ...全文
... 院Festival Grand Cinema,以及荃灣海灣花園購物商場地下高層UG1-UG12號鋪海王潮州樓。 ...全文
... way city, grand-standing about the fate of a city they ...全文
今日信報時事評論EJ InsightA Hongkonger2021年07月08日
... way city, grand-standing about the fate of a city they neither have served nor to which they belong. These are individuals who’d spend more hours in the day fussing over how they look to their Faceboo ...More
EJ Insight2021-07-07
SHOUGANG GRAND(00730) 截至2021年6月30日股份發行人的證券變動月報表(326KB, ...全文
... 、《俠盜獵車手V》(Grand Theft Auto V)等多款熱門遊戲的破解版,然而,其中原來暗藏一款名為C ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2021年06月29日
... 汽車部門、GT比賽(Grand Touring Car,亦稱耐力賽)、法拉利挑戰賽和一級方程式(F1)車隊Sc ...全文
... 展商早前首度開放會所GRAND GARDEN供傳媒參觀,會所位於4座大樓的基座,面積逾4萬方呎。 50米 ...全文
元朗Grand YOHO 10座低層B室,實用面積778方呎,3房套房連儲物房間隔,享大單邊開揚景致,以122 ...全文