豬年第一個交易日,港股沒有受外圍因素影響,有好多股份都有不錯的表現,反映市底好。2019年都算是一個神奇的一年 ...全文
獸醫Joyce回來了,牛仔開心了,Jax樂極了。般咸道某幢大廈的19 樓繼續平靜,直至…… 今天早上,8點15 ...全文
美國教授Edward Altman專門研究違約公司,在此領域可算是佼佼者,最著名的是發明了Altman Z-S ...全文
Starbucks exceeded Wall Street forecasts for quarterly sales, led by the popularity of its holiday-themed drinks in the United States, where its growth has been cooling in an increasingly crowded mark ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-25
咖啡的魅力無遠弗屆,眾所周知法國大文豪巴爾扎克可謂嗜咖啡如命,其寫作必備品除了紙筆,便是咖啡壺。 Urban ...全文
How are those resolutions going? If you are like me, it would be a lie to say: “Particularly well”. We started 2019 with the best of intentions but ended up in the same place before the Lunar New Year ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-24
Chinese startup Luckin Coffee is reportedly seeking an IPO in Hong Kong this year, even as global coffee chain giant Starbucks has warned of a slowdown in the China market. Targeting a similar custome ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-16
繼OFO、Mobike單車、Bitcoin之後,二○一九年第一間爆的將會是瑞幸咖啡(Luckin Coffee ...全文
自二戰過後,日本戰後重建,加上美國積極扶持日本經濟發展,保持美國在亞洲的地位,日本經濟一飛沖天,直至1985年 ...全文
You may not like it in China because there's no Google or Facebook, unless you have access to virtual private networks, which, although banned, are still available from some clandestine providers – or ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-11
In his book Life 3.0: Being Human in the Age of Artificial Intelligence, physicist Max Tegmark makes a lot of predictions about the new ethical paradigms likely to be adopted in the future. Among his ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-09
Hong Kong billionaire Li Ka-shing has joined other tech and venture capital heavyweights in supporting cryptocurrency venture Bakkt in its first funding round. The startup, backed by Intercontinental ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-08
Fast-growing Chinese coffee chain Luckin said it aims to be the country's largest coffee chain by the number of cups sold and outlets this year, overtaking Starbucks, which has about 3,300 stores nati ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-04