
共 938 個結果
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HK sees first successive No. 8 typhoon signals in 51 years

... n Pacific Ocean between Sept. 6 and 15, according to hk01.com. Lee said it is too early to predict if they will end up affecting Hong Kong. Meanwhile, the Government Flying Service sent out several he ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-28

Why Chinese property stocks surged in HK

...  and Sino-Ocean Group Holding (03377.HK), saw their share prices shoot up more than 10 percent within three trading sessions last week in Hong Kong. Implementation of a new accounting rule named HKFRS ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-28

Russian bombers fly around Korean Peninsula in show of force

... e Pacific Ocean, the Sea of Japan, the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea. The bombers had been accompanied by Sukhoi-35S fighter jets and A-50 early warning and control aircraft, it said. "The US and ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-25

利豐經營開支減 中期多賺近四成

... 及製造商South Ocean成立合資公司利洋針織控股,利豐及South Ocean將分別持有62%及38%股 ...全文


運動家之魂 體壇王者腕錶

... 出海馬Planet Ocean平昌2018年冬季奧運會腕錶來助興,也標誌着歐米茄歷史性地第28次擔任奧運會大會 ...全文


衞星圖像推斷 MH370墜點有眉目

... ,美國的海底勘探公司Ocean Infinity本月初提出恢復搜尋客機,遇難者家屬組織Voice370促請馬來 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年08月17日

Even Donald Duck and Banna the Elephant can't stand the heat

... yland and Ocean Park – and the visitors, too – will try to be a bit more considerate when dealing with their human and non-human crews. It's during times like this that we should be kind to each other ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-09

Ocean Park promises to take care of stray fox

Ocean Park has promised to continue taking care of a stray fox that was found on Lantau Island two weeks ago until it is decided what’s best for the animal, news website hk01.com reports. The small an ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-03

Ocean Park giant panda under watch after pregnancy signs

Ocean Park officials are monitoring giant panda Ying Ying after she showed symptoms of pregnancy, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reports. The symptoms included reduced food intake, increased rest time ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-02

Let’s have a high-temperature vacation

... he sun at Ocean Park or Hong Kong Disneyland? With tropical cyclones hitting Taiwan and bringing heavy pollution to Hong Kong, who doesn’t miss the rains that drenched the city earlier this month? Sun ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-31

Ocean Park technicians: Meet the heroes behind your thrill rides

... Hong Kong Ocean Park for six years now. The park’s rides maintenance senior mechanical technician and his team work when the park is closed, examining the intricate equipment and all the auxiliary par ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-24

CNN will have a new home in Wong Chuk Hang

... ximity to Ocean Park, will put CNN somewhat closer to the central district. The office is three minutes commute from the new Wong Chuk Hang station, which is about 14 minutes away from Central. In com ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-24

飛人車隊力撐 Only Watch慈善拍賣會

... 上,便特地打造了海洋Ocean系列大日期功能腕錶,出自Project Z系列,採用多層結構設計鏤空錶盤,現代感 ...全文



... ning 的The Ocean工作。     ...全文



...  Winston海洋Ocean系列大日期功能腕錶 42.2毫米白金錶殼搭配HW3206自動上鏈機械機芯,具有時 ...全文



... 新posts,阿聰的Ocean Three最新推介日本水蜜桃,按下Like後留言訂購一盒,約15分鐘後收到阿聰 ...全文


梁志天1.45億沽Ocean Bay洋房

名人趁樓市高位沽貨「減磅」,市場消息稱,由著名建築及室內設計師梁志天或有關人士持有的赤柱Ocean Bay一幢 ...全文



... Cabriolet Ocean Blue Edition,以及還有AMG C 43 4MATIC Coupe ...全文



... 列海星、水母等造型的Ocean Miracle首飾。 藍與綠 話說小天使自夜空摘出星星扔進大海,自此星星化身為 ...全文


Iceberg the size of Bali breaks off Antarctica

... ering the ocean and contributing to sea-level rise," said David Vaughan, glaciologist and director of science at British Antarctic Survey. "If Larsen C now starts to retreat significantly and eventual ...More

EJ Insight2017-07-13

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