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... 另一間華爾街研究公司Cornerstone Macro支持摩根士丹利的觀點,認為溫和派黨員很難阻止民主黨總統落 ...全文


倫敦Hackney Wick公園簇擁 樓價相宜
位處地鐵2區 藝術氣息濃 重建留古蹟

... 旁更有米芝蓮一星餐廳Cornerstone,喜歡食海鮮及甜品的老饕不要錯過。 據英國地產代理Foxtons資料 ...全文


Central banks’ taper dilemma

... ve been a cornerstone investor in many transactions, providing governments and (to a lesser degree) corporate firms with the certainty of low-cost financing. Because central banks’ sovereign-debt purc ...More

EJ Insight2021-03-23


... 的水平仍有待觀察。 Cornerstone Macro預期,最終通過的紓困計劃可能是1.5萬億美元,而2月22 ...全文


The Arctic on the frontlines

... , it is a cornerstone of the climate system that keeps our weather stable, our communities habitable, and our economies prosperous. And it is under immense pressure. Relieving that pressure – especial ...More

EJ Insight2021-01-29


... 合資的英國電訊塔公司Cornerstone約五成股權,注入沃達豐的歐洲基建業務公司Vantage Towers ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2021年01月12日


... 訊合組的英國聯營公司Cornerstone資產,也納入本次分拆計劃內。 根據沃達豐與投資者初步洽商,市場對電訊 ...全文


樸素風格 親民法菜

... 靈感源自倫敦海鮮餐廳Cornerstone主廚Tom Brown的「新鮮生蠔」(Oyster, pickled ...全文



... 合並達成最終方案。 Cornerstone Macro的Andy Laperriere預期,新救市措施最終可能 ...全文



... 的增長引擎將會出現。Cornerstone Macro公司的一份報告指出,我們很可能正在過渡到一種新型經濟,當 ...全文


Are we putting corporate governance at risk - again?

... ieve is a cornerstone of good corporate governance. HKEX seeks to allay these concerns by striking a balance between making the rules attractive to issuers on the one hand and providing adequate safeg ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-29

Basic Law 30th anniversary calls for revamp of mini-constitution

... iary as a cornerstone of Hong Kong. That guarantee is also the focus of the international community in determining whether Hong Kong can maintain its special status and be treated separately from main ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-23

Morgan Stanley buys online broker E-Trade in US$13 bln deal

... ement the cornerstone of his plan to stabilize revenue. E-Trade, which became popular nearly two decades ago with commercials that blasted financial advisers for high fees, had been under the gun as t ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-21

Fed shows little appetite for bold policy change sought by Trump

... nomist at Cornerstone Macro. The discussion was part of a broad review of the Fed’s strategies for meeting its Congressional mandates of stable inflation and full employment. The effort, begun early t ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-21

Aramco in race for IPO record with US$1.7 trillion top value

...  name any cornerstone investors in the deal or formally disclose the listing date. Analysts from banks working on the Riyadh bourse had given a valuation range of US$1.2 trillion to US$2.3 trillion fo ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-18

China to make huge investment in Brazil's Sao Luis port: report

... mity. The cornerstone of the port of Sao Luis was laid in March last year. At the time, China’s state-run news agency Xinhua reported that CCCC led the project with a 51 percent equity stake in the ve ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-14

Aramco prospectus flags risks, gives few details on IPO size

... ents from cornerstone investors. Sources have said the company could sell 1 to 2 percent on the Saudi stock market. If the government sells 2 percent of Aramco shares, the retail offering could accoun ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-11

A Hongkonger's letter to Carrie Lam

... es as the cornerstone of our judicious political model and efficacious governance – was confronted by long-unseen challenges. It is hard to "unhear" the chilling, dehumanizing words – “cockroaches” – ...More

EJ Insight2019-10-02

A Hongkonger's letter to Carrie Lam

... es as the cornerstone of our judicious political model ...全文


澳洲名廚 休閒星級美味

... 港蘇豪開設第二間餐廳Cornerstone,以基石命名,棄走高級路線,以現代小酒館形象亮相,旨在名廚體現簡單和 ...全文


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