
共 370 個結果
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The global food system isn’t working

...  can only guess at what post-pandemic life will be like, addressing the growing problems of hunger and malnutrition must be central to the global recovery. Many people were in dire straits even before ...More

EJ Insight2021-07-15

Making films with your smartphone

... d have to guess where the red sweater ends and the sofa begins. But with LIDAR, the new smartphone cameras can sense where the person’s torso ends and the sofa fabric begins. So you have a situation d ...More

EJ Insight2021-06-28

India: Brutal second wave to put a dent in 2021 recovery

...  our best guess is for a contraction in the range of 5-7% q/q. Some pass through into inflation is also to be expected. Perishable items and items with cross-India supply chains could face some upward ...More

EJ Insight2021-05-17

Why the Xinjiang genocide allegations are unjustified

... e left to guess about the evidence. Much of the report deals with issues like freedom of expression, refugee protection, and free elections, which have scant bearing on the genocide charge. There are ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-23

胡定旭願提名泛民 毋須問西環
條件包括沒違國安法 不搞港獨攬炒

... 解咗、second guess北京意思。」身為多屆選委的他更透露,提名及投票從不諮詢中聯辦意見,「好老實講,做 ...全文


The US sanctions and China’s counters

... correctly guess at least one of them, which is China. The second one is Iran. People are unaware of the Iran sanctions because Iran is economically too isolated and weak to bring any meaningful damage ...More

EJ Insight2021-02-24

Today’s surreal Hong Kong: Be careful what you say or do

... to second-guess what Lam means by free speech. She said it was free speech for Beijing mouthpiece People’s Daily to use its understanding of the law to criticize Hong Kong judges for granting bail to ...More

EJ Insight2021-01-28

Queen’s Counsel David Perry against Martin Lee

... ar of Ox. Guess what the new Chinese New Year will be anything but boring.-- Contact us at [email protected] ...More

EJ Insight2021-01-13


... 的educated guess。 香港現時仍受疫情所困,不少商戶只能有限營業,其中飲食業更一直是「主角」,每次 ...全文



... (Educated Guess)的展望及觀點框架,讓讀者對來年大趨勢和投資部署有概括了解和掌握。讀者應留意每項 ...全文



... rving./ I guess you could say we broke up/ because of a ...全文



... ill be, I guess time will tell.),而「現屆政府不會下令封城」(this adm ...全文


Why Yum China will not fly?

... s year. I guess that showed Chinese investors prefer to chase Chinese stocks, for whatever reasons. -- Contact us at [email protected] ...More

EJ Insight2020-09-03

Juggling through the pandemic

... k. But my guess is that Hong Kong people understand that when it comes to this pandemic, our cooperative, caring society is our greatest strength. Even as we confront an unexpected third wave of infec ...More

EJ Insight2020-07-22

Smell the future: We are slipping into an authoritarian state

... China. My guess is most would have answered Japan did more harm than good. Yes, many Hong Kong students nowadays prefer Western than Chinese communist values. But that doesn’t mean they will distort h ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-21

Coronavirus vs Australia housing market

...  anyone’s guess at this point, but here are some pointers that investors can do well to take note of: • Out of Australia’s top 15 trading partners, 11 are in the Asia region taking up close to 60% of ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-15

How coronavirus could change business and society

...  can only guess what this is going to mean for 2020 as a whole. Financial Secretary Paul Chan has said that the impact on international supply chains and trade will probably mean that the global econo ...More

EJ Insight2020-04-07


... 是anyone's guess。有分析預測內地第一季GDP只有4.5%增長,有的更估計僅3%;香港GDP走勢相 ...全文


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