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... 李滿門」。 CAN SLIM法則令後人獲益 傳道授業前,奧尼爾本身成績超卓。早於1963年,只靠數千美元,滾出 ...全文


Green is not the new black; it is here to stay

... ow have a slim majority government. Indeed, President Biden – who moved to reinstate the US to the Paris climate agreement just hours after being sworn in as president – has made financing a green rec ...More

EJ Insight2021-04-12

Don't be surprised by the impeachment falling through

... on par: a slim though clear majority of 56% of American ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightBrian Wong2021年02月19日

Don’t be surprised by the impeachment falling through

... on par: a slim though clear majority of 56% of Americans would want the Senate to vote to convict him, according to a CBS news poll, though once the party label is slapped onto the figures, only less ...More

EJ Insight2021-02-17

墨首富確診新冠肺炎 入院治療

墨西哥首富斯利姆(Carlos Slim)確診感染新冠肺炎,已經入院治療。 斯利姆的發言人Arturo Eli ...全文



... 股致勝法則「CAN SLIM」模型,其中的「I」是Institutional Sponsorship的縮寫,代 ...全文


HK startups need a more coherent, radical subsidies policy

... ay have a slim possibility of success without rectifyin ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightJustin Lau2020年11月27日

HK startups need a more coherent, radical subsidies policy

... ay have a slim possibility of success without rectifying its current policies. -- Contact us at [email protected] ...More

EJ Insight2020-11-25

巴西人字拖Havaianas 疫境中走新路向

... ia人字拖,閃閃令的Slim Sparkle系列和涼鞋款也大受女士們喜愛。」 品牌的人字拖售價為200至40 ...全文



...  Lives of Slim People)節目不是教你如何減磅,但會窺探瘦人的日常生活,解開不肥之謎。 有研 ...全文



... 古力」腹肌,身穿緊身slim cut Gucci西裝,腳踏反光紫色Berluti皮鞋在IFC上班,家居半山,駕 ...全文


US indicts Venezuela's Maduro for 'narco-terrorism'

... ances are slim of getting Maduro or the other major figures in custody anytime soon, a person familiar with the situation said on condition of anonymity. “While the Venezuelan people suffer, this caba ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-27

Trade deal promises to improve access to China financial sector

... de in the slim financial services section of the deal to scrap foreign equity limits on firms operating in China’s fund management, futures and insurance sectors will feel familiar. “China has already ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-16


... Neil)的CAN SLIM法則,筆者將從優勢、增長、創新及價格等多角度,以政經環境分析香港是否還是一隻值得繼 ...全文


Some thoughts on the UK general election

... logy of Muslim women to “letter boxes”, and his declaration that fearing the rise of Islam is a “natural reaction” that is understandable. Furthermore, the Tories’ consistently bigoted rebuking of for ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-11

灰白材質 營造焦點

... 為主,於是刻意選用較slim的音響設備,可以貼着櫃身。」   灰白主調 整個客廳的家具多以灰白為主,間中穿 ...全文


Whistleblower alleges White House cover-up on Trump-Ukraine call

... fice look slim since his party controls the Senate where an impeachment trial would be held. ‘Deeply concerned' The call occurred after Trump had ordered a freeze of nearly US$400 million in American ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-27

Netanyahu, Gantz in unity talks; may rotate as Israel PM

... ahu has a slim lead over Gantz in building a parliamentary bloc, with pledges of support from 55 members of a right-wing grouping to 54 for Gantz from left-leaning and Arab parties. Both are short of ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-24

Should HKEx investors be excited about the takeover bid for LSE?

... eal looks slim as of now. LSE’s board is refusing to engage with HKEx after emphatically rejecting its approach on Friday. The LSE described HKEx’s offer as fundamentally flawed, saying it would not m ...More

EJ Insight2019-09-17

MacKenzie Bezos pledges half her Amazon fortune to charity

... te Carlos Slim; European fashion retail mogul Amancio Ortega and Google co-founder and Alphabet CEO Larry Page. The pledge that signatories make is “a moral commitment to give, not a legal contract”, ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-29

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