
共 2855 個結果
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What is prompting the Wheelock privatization move?

... ing Times Square, Harbor City, Crawford House, The Murray and Plaza Hollywood and put them into the Wharf Real Estate Investment Company (01997.HK). Hong Kong’s retail, tourism and commercial property ...More

EJ Insight2020-03-02


... ),同時還有支付公司Square(SQ)。 Square前年曾獲野村呼籲加入為FANG成員,在美股上周急瀉期間 ...全文


Square上季業績勝預期 股價市後上揚

網上支付系統營運商Square公布,第四季利潤為3.909億美元,前一年度同期虧損2820萬美元;每股經調整盈 ...全文


Hongkong Land's record investment in Shanghai

...  Exchange Square and Alexandra House. Now, its big bet in Shanghai is viewed as vote of confidence in the mainland, and represents a shot in the arm for Chinese authorities, who are battling with the ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-21

Comparing Jeff Bezos’ new house with luxury properties in HK

... 1,800 per square feet over the period. The Warner Estate has a total construction area of 20,000 square feet. The price of US$165 million is equivalent to a unit price of US$8,250 per square feet. In ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-20


... Robinhood及Square等金融初創企業,向美國監管機構申請銀行牌照。 LendingClub是美國20 ...全文


Samsung unveils foldable Galaxy Z phone, 5G Galaxy S

... s a large square when closed and expands to look like most smartphones. It will start at US$1,380 and be available from Friday in purple, gold and black, executives were quoted as saying in San Franci ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-12

阿克曼沽清星巴克 指其增長放緩

對沖基金名宿阿克曼(William Ackman)披露,投資旗艦Pershing Square管理的基金已經盡 ...全文


Brexit at last: Champagne corks pop as Britain leaves the EU

... arliament Square to hear Farage. “I’m not jumping around celebrating, it’s just absolute satisfaction and relief and optimism,” said Emma Sandercock, a 53-year-old secretary from Northamptonshire in c ...More

EJ Insight2020-02-01


... 企業Formula Square合作,以高速及低時延的5G網絡,包括3.3吉赫及28吉赫頻段,作實時展示及現場 ...全文



數碼通(00315)宣布,透過香港科技園旗下初創企業Formula Square合作,數碼通以高速及低時延的5 ...全文


傢俬藝術 線條美感

... y Wong (A Square Interior Design) 設計主題 : 線條延伸   撰文:王嘉程 ...全文


Iran protesters urge Khamenei to quit after plane downing

... (Freedom) Square, as well as protests in other cities. Some state-affiliated media carried reports of the university protests, which followed demonstrations on Saturday sparked by Iran’s admission tha ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-13

Genesis G90 韓風新星 歐陸豪氣

... Trafalgar Square),看到一部Rolls Royce房車,當時定眼一看,原來駕駛者是位紳士打扮的 ...全文



著名對沖基金經理阿克曼(Bill Ackman)的旗艦基金Pershing Square,去年錄得58.1%回 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2020年01月07日

谷歌等四大科企搶駐紐約 2022年滙聚2萬人才

... le Hudson Square)今年運作後,加上曼哈頓著名商廈Chelsea Market等辦公空間,料20 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2020年01月07日

Samsung says will unveil 'innovative devices' on Feb 11

... ed like a square and another with a rectangular form. In October, the company unveiled its new foldable phone concept that folds vertically like an old flip phone. Its first foldable phone, which fold ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-06

名宿阿克曼去年表現佳 旗艦基金回報58.1%

美國傳媒披露,對沖基金名宿阿克曼(Bill Ackman)管理的旗艦基金Pershing Square去年錄得 ...全文


Pope apologizes for 'bad example' of slapping pilgrim's arm

... t. Peters Square in Vatican City. He was greeting pilgrims on his way to see the large Nativity scene set up in the huge, cobbled esplanade. After reaching out to touch a child, the pope turned away f ...More

EJ Insight2020-01-02

2019 Cats

... Trafalgar Square──這就是Cats的發源地!大英帝國的光榮地標!幾百年的軟實力,所向披靡無孔不 ...全文


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