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青年宜居亞太稱冠 郵區20交通便捷

... 新加坡房地產研究機構Square Foot Research數據顯示,今年12月全國私人分層住宅平均呎價165 ...全文


2019: The year China's Hong Kong chickens came home to roost

... ficult to square with the Joint Declaration. But senior Chinese officials attempted to square the circle by saying, from 2014 onward, that the Joint Declaration no longer had practical significance an ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-27

2019: The year China’s Hong Kong chickens came home to roost

... ficult to square with the Joint Declaration. But senior ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightFrank Ching2019年12月27日

JD.com's logistics unit eyes potential US$8-10 bln IPO: report

... 6 million square meters. -- Contact us at [email protected] RC ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-24


在倫敦的時候,我常去特拉法加廣場(Trafalgar Square),其實也不是故意去的,只是每次要去的目的地 ...全文


Macau close to launching a public housing project in Hengqin

... f 180,000 square meters to let Macau build 38,000 residential flats, according to sources from Hengqin’s administration committee. The two parties have already reached agreements in relation to the lo ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-23

Activist hedge fund Marcato Capital to shut down: report

...  Pershing Square Capital Management, Reuters noted. At its peak, Marcato managed roughly US$3 billion in assets, but assets have now shriveled to a few hundred million, according to one Reuters source ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-23

【異動股】九置揚1%藍籌最叻 向會德豐購星兩物業

... 資物業Scotts Square和會德豐廣場。 會德豐則報50.5元,微跌0.7%,成交金額1586萬元。 最 ...全文


The best possible gift Xi Jinping can give Macau

... a of 32.9 square kilometers, or just 3 percent of the size of Hong Kong. Currently, Macau has a population of 670,000, making it the world’s densest city with over 20,426 people squeezed into every sq ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-19

The Wonderful World of Whimsy is back after 20 years

... he 30,000-square-foot store comes with a re-touch of the classic games along with a virtual reality technology-enabled AR dynamic park, 5D cinema and artificial snow house. It is not easy to be back t ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-19

Changes to Fudan University charter stirs debate

... Tiananmen Square in 1989. Universities in China have long operated without full academic independence. Curricula are bound by Communist Party diktats and political norms that render certain topics or ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-19

會德豐向九置九倉注入3項目 涉78億

... 資物業Scotts Square和會德豐廣場,作價64.167億元。連同日前向九倉(00004)出售杭州富陽市 ...全文



... 資物業Scotts Square和會德豐廣場。 會德豐擁有該公司66.01%權益,而賣方是會德豐全資附屬公司。 ...全文


幹細胞培育 3周製人造肉

... 風投機構Union Square Ventures管理合夥人Albert Wenger,剩下的300萬美元資金 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年12月10日

澳洲The Mews售價210萬港元起

位於澳洲布里斯班Woolloongabba區的綜合社區項目South City Square第三期住宅The ...全文


Why Samsung is stepping up its foldable phone push

... er than a square-sized screen like Galaxy Fold. Samsung has good reason to push the new foldable type of devices given the slowing industry sales overall in smartphones in recent years. One of the mai ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-04


... owth Fund及Square Peg Capital領投,Singtel Innov8、Telkomsel ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年12月04日

Carrie Lam says US law to hurt business confidence

... Tiananmen Square in 1989. Activists have pledged to hold lunch-time rallies throughout the week after a mass demonstration over the weekend when police fired tear gas to disperse crowds of protesters. ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-03


... 區的Lincoln Square,林肯街上兩旁樹木的燈飾比北密芝根大道毫不遜色,我喜歡區內獨特的老歐洲氣氛,古 ...全文


Crisis, better lifestyle attract Hong Kong people to Taiwan

...  of 3,000 square feet and pay a monthly rent of HK$6,000. Her husband works in the same field of outdoor planning as in Hong Kong, for a lower salary. Leung said that they decided to move after the fa ...More

EJ Insight2019-12-02

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