... 戶透過無人販賣機,以iPad即場自己設計足球T-Shirt,訂製完成後再寄到府上。這做法可以節省人手,但如果圖 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年06月29日
... using my iPad mini, I decided to give it to him. Overwhelmed by my simple gesture, he offered to give me free meals whenever I fancy having BBQ goose or chicken for lunch. But more that, Uncle Wing g ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-25
蘋果公司在iPhone和iPad的維修權問題上,被澳洲聯邦法院裁定對用戶進行虛假或誤導性陳述,罰款900萬澳元 ...全文
蘋果擬將新一代iPhone及iPad改用Type-C插口。 外國媒體報道,蘋果公司有意將一直沿用的Lightn ...全文
... one or an iPad. Needless to say, Apple's new features may work against the business model of Facebook, YouTube and other social media, whose aim is to encourage users to spend the maximum amount of ti ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-06
蘋果周一在全球開發商年會(WWDC)發表iOS 12作業系統,提升iPhone及iPad執行速度,iPhone ...全文
... Phone and iPad, iOS 12, will make older devices, such as the iPhone 6, work better. Software chief Craig Federighi said iOS 12 could carry out simple tasks, such as opening apps, up to twice as fast a ...More
EJ Insight2018-06-05
... 果生產iPhone與iPad時只向高通訂購晶片,導致包括英特爾在內的對手無法取得市場份額。 高通向以盧森堡為基 ...全文
... 指,蘋果不會推出新的iPad和MacBook,但會推出新工具,讓兩個iPhone用戶共享AR擴增實景體驗,並會 ...全文
... 當地斷電時,你還拿部iPad在他們面前「揚下揚下」,人家才會覺得自己窮。我想說的是,貧窮本身並不可怕,最怕是失 ...全文
外電引述消息人士稱,微軟公司計劃推出一款低成本Surface系列電腦,目的是抗衡蘋果公司的iPad Pro平板 ...全文
... quired an iPad which Apple introduced that year. Using the tablet computer to take notes during class, Chan found that existing applications, such as its drawing feature, did not deliver a good exper ...More
EJ Insight2018-05-07
... 到蘋果喬布斯發布首部iPad,當時他一見着迷,立即入貨,並帶着「新玩具」上課。 那時候,陳浩銓想以iPad做筆 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年05月07日
... phone or iPad for news. I learned recently that one local daily was asked to refund its subscribers because the company hired to deliver its copies would suspend its service. Fewer and fewer people n ...More
EJ Insight2018-04-30