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云爾錄 : 太空站「襲」港 肉眼睇得到

... 構包括美國太空總署(NASA)、俄羅斯聯邦航天局、日本宇宙航空研究開發機構、加拿大航天局、巴西航天局及歐洲航天 ...全文


埃航客機墜落地中海 66人凶多吉少
急降兩萬呎後失蹤 或遭恐襲

... 絡。 美國太空總署(NASA)衞星圖片顯示,客機剛消失時,附近天色明朗。歐洲航空安全組織(Eurocontro ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年05月20日


美國太空總署(NASA)周二宣布,開普勒(Kepler)太空望遠鏡一口氣發現1284顆太陽系外行星,令已確認太 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2016年05月12日

SpaceX to send spacecraft to Mars as soon as 2018

... acts with NASA to fly both cargo and crew. The cargo version of Dragon is presently at the International Space Station and is due to splash down in the Pacific Ocean next month. SpaceX is also working ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-28

Space: China seeks cooperation with the US

... elines as NASA scientists are currently forbidden from working with the Chinese space program thanks to a 2011 bill passed by US Congress, citing security concerns. Be that as it may, China still hope ...More

EJ Insight2016-04-26

李嘉誠基金會「課程」 啟發青年運用科技

... 和美國國家太空總署(NASA)聯合創立的奇點大學(Singularity University)專家提供,向香 ...全文


Showdown on the moon

China, Russia and the European Space Agency (ESA) each have plans to build a moon base — with permanent structures where humans can live and work. NASA, meanwhile, has long set its sights on Mars, but ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-29

Europe-Russia space mission to search for signs of life on Mars

... US agency NASA trouble as well. The United States currently has two operational rovers on Mars, Curiosity and Opportunity. The cost of the ExoMars mission to the European Space Agency, including the s ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-15

Hongkonger wins NASA accolade for image of rare cloud formation

A Hong Kong amateur photographer has won recognition from the US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) for capturing the image of a rare cloud formation in the sky. Alfred Lee's picture ...More

EJ Insight2016-03-04

Amazon’s US$0.99 blockbusters

The Washington Post ran an article in May last year on how a 99 US cent Amazon Kindle ebook may have saved NASA and the Mars space program. Incidentally, it became a New York Times bestseller and, as ...More

EJ Insight2016-02-29

留住寒流美景 極限運動攝影器材

... 介紹︰「據說之前只有NASA等級的組織作為軍用,如在六十年代用來拍攝外太空,加上要用菲林拍攝,成本高又操作繁複 ...全文


車業強勢 難以維繫

2014年,美國改裝車廠Hennessey的Venom GT跑車在美國太空總署(NASA)佛羅里達州基地跑道創 ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年01月22日


... 才能去到? 早前美國NASA公布發現一個可能適合人類居住的太陽系外行星,並暫名其為Kepler 22-b,但一 ...全文



... 射一枚載有太空總署(NASA)海洋監察衞星的Falcon 9火箭。根據SpaceX的計劃,當天火箭升空後約兩分 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年01月11日

How state agencies are losing out to private firms in space race

... stration (NASA), Falcon 9 v1.1 has already been SpaceX’s cash cow. The firm is also working towards the first launch of Falcon Heavy designed with a payload of up to 53,000 kg. Blue Origin, on the oth ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-29

Elon Musk's SpaceX achieves historic upright rocket landing

... ract with NASA to send supplies to the International Space Station. -- Contact us at [email protected] RC ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-23

Why the Paris climate deal could be a game-changer

... ineers of NASA did not even have all the knowledge and details of how to achieve the mission. JFK could have said "I command" instead of the weaker "I believe." But that belief, instead of a command, ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-16

Mining in space could cost less than building a gas plant

Getting a mine up and running on the moon or an asteroid would cost less than building the biggest gas terminals on Earth, research presented to a forum of company executives and NASA scientists shows ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-06

Solar winds stripped Mars of atmosphere, scientists say

...  March 8, NASA’s Mars-orbiting MAVEN spacecraft caught such a storm stripping away the planet’s atmosphere, a report published in this week’s issue of the journal Science says. The "interplanetary cor ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-06

He's got two college degrees, works for NASA and he's just 17

Moshe Kai Cavalin, from San Gabriel, California, is what most people would call gifted. At 17, he's got two college degrees under his belt, flies airplanes and works for NASA. But Moshe thinks he's ju ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-04

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