
共 2855 個結果
頁數:1...30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 ...143

What's prompting Sunac to buy 51% in world's largest building?

... 9 million square feet, making it the largest in terms of floor area.  By contrast, Burj Khalifa in Dubai, the world’s tallest building, has floor area of only 5.67 million square feet. The mammoth dev ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-29

Silver Lake斥39億 購逾1成英超曼城股權

... 場(Madison Square Garden)公司股份。 ...全文



... 新加坡房地產研究機構Square Foot Research數據顯示,今年10月份第21郵區私人分層住宅平均呎 ...全文


China and the US: Deep-seated differences

... Tiananmen Square massacre and other significant human rights abuses,” he said. “We hesitated and did far less than we should have when China threatened its neighbors like Vietnam, and like the Philipp ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-14

Manufacturing powerhouse Dongguan regains momentum

...  yuan per square meter to rent factories in Shenzhen industrial parks. But now the rent has almost doubled. For comparison, the rental cost is only 18 to 25 yuan in Dongguan. It’s said that many manuf ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-14

China and the US: Deep-seated differences

... Tiananmen Square massacre and other significant human r ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightFrank Ching2019年11月14日


... Wenceslas Square,死者名為Martin Šmíd。消息一出,舉國憤怒,捷克的示威浪潮此起彼伏, ...全文


Shenzhen eases tax rule on luxury homes

Shenzhen's housing and construction bureau announced on Monday that all residential apartments smaller than 144 square meters in the southern city will be exempted from the luxury home tax. The move i ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-13

HK on 'brink of total breakdown' as violence spreads

... Tiananmen Square crackdown by Chinese troops on pro-democracy protesters in Beijing. “The fear among the students is so strong,” said Wing Long, a 25-year-old theology student. “That’s why we’ve gathe ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-13

Why a young Chinese man opted for a small northeastern city

While a lot of young mainlanders are struggling with exorbitant home prices in big cities, Li Hai, 33, recently bought a 77-square-meter apartment in the northeastern Heilongjiang province for less th ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-12

Mexico grants asylum to Bolivia's Morales; demands safe passage

... l Murillo square and other parts of the city, opposition protesters erected roadblocks made of metal scraps and other debris, as tension mounted following Morales’ resignation on Sunday. Bolivia’s Arm ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-12

區塊鏈職位僧少粥多 招聘增26% 搵工反減半

... ra;網上支付營運商Square最近也組建加密幣團隊Square Cryto,旨在強化比特幣生態系統。咖啡連鎖 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2019年11月12日

WeWork doesn’t work in Hong Kong

... ed 60,000 square feet. Now it wants to sublet half of the area.  It has similar plans for its leases on Sunlife Tower in Tsim Sha Tsui, where it has yet to move in, according to local newspaper report ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-07

Square上季利潤勝預期 股價市後升4%

網上支付營運商Square公布,截至9月底止第三季利潤按年升50%至2940萬美元;每股經調整盈利為25美仙, ...全文


WeWork縮港業務 擬棄租6營運點
傳涉合和中心永明大樓 商廈市道添壓

... o Harbour Square兩層樓面。 有業內人士指出,WeWork此類共享工作空間營運商近年積極擴張,租 ...全文


脫歐即使落實 脫英難題又至

... 廣場(George Square)舉行爭取獨立集會。蘇格蘭首席部長施雅晴(Nicola Sturgeon)表示 ...全文



... 以及電子支付系統公司Square Inc。Fitbit指出,目前正陸續重組智能腕錶的零部件供應來源,預期將於明 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年11月05日


蘇格蘭格拉斯哥市兩萬市民上周六在喬治廣場(George Square)舉行集會,爭取蘇格蘭成為獨立國家。蘇格蘭 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2019年11月04日

China to use import fair to highlight trade credentials

... n 300,000 square meters, according to state media, or roughly five times the size of the Louvre Museum. Reuters – Contact us at [email protected] CG ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-01

What a Shenzhen luxury home project tells us about China

... 33 to 395 square meters in size, and the cheapest apartment costs around 15 million yuan (US$2.13 million). Interested buyers need to pay a deposit of 5 million yuan. Still, the project attracted near ...More

EJ Insight2019-11-01

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