... 3 trial, the change from baseline at 18 months in the ...全文
... ghts from the Frontline)是目前全球發布範圍最廣的投資通訊,擁有過百萬讀者。John M ...全文
今日信報理財投資前沿思考John Mauldin2024年11月01日
「刀如同廚師的手。」眼前的李振龍(Junno)是「The Chinese Library」行政總廚,屬行內其中 ...全文
“Do not go gentle into that good night.Old age should burn and rave at close of day;Rage, rage against the dying of the light.” One of my favourite poems of all time is Dylan Thomas’ “Do not go gentle ...More
EJ Insight2024-10-31
There is one election in the world that has the eyes of all trained on it. This election is neither – strictly speaking – a directly democratic one; nor is it one in which the vast majority of the wor ...More
EJ Insight2024-10-31
For financial journalists of my generation, we used to feel the boom of Hong Kong as an international financial centre: big mergers, full-house restaurants in Central and shark fins lunch. Those were ...More
EJ Insight2024-10-31
Just days remain before America’s most consequential presidential election in modern times. A jittery world knows the outcome will have far-reaching ramifications. It will either mean predictable US d ...More
EJ Insight2024-10-31
中半山The Mayfair高層B室一個銀主盤,實用面積約2144方呎,4房雙套連工人房間隔,獲本地豪宅用家垂 ...全文
跑馬地山光道THE ASTER高層A室,實用面積699方呎,2房1套間隔,望開揚樓景,月租叫價4.5萬元,最新 ...全文
香港知名藝人劉德華於今日起一連4天在台北小巨蛋舉辦「今天…is the Day」世界巡迴演唱會,惟遇上颱風「康 ...全文
... 句「This is the economy, stupid!」和主打一些美國選民關心的經濟民生議題打贏老布殊成 ...
... Club,聯手打造「The Culinary Room」,讓貴賓包廂的觀眾,既可欣賞精采球賽,亦能享用由每日當 ...全文
... 統公園的橢圓形草坪(The Ellipse)上演,傳媒相信民主黨特意選址該處以提醒民眾,特朗普2021年1月6 ...全文
... 之一(one of the "industries of the future"),在侵侵面前寸步不讓。 監管 ...全文
... 亞等十五個巿場,以「The Pressure to Be Well」為題進行調查,回收共一萬六千份回應;結果顯 ...全文
... 節目Tracing The Path主持Dan Morris的說法,似乎與中國「鬼節」殊途同歸。 凱爾特人異 ...全文