
共 805 個結果
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Does John Lee have no shame?

... . It is a mirror image of the legislation already in force on the Mainland and provides yet another nail in the coffin of the idea that the SAR would be allowed to operate its legal system in a fully ...More

EJ Insight2019-01-11

China: Using history as a mirror

... tory as a mirror so as to learn lessons and not to repe ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightFrank Ching2019年01月03日

China: Using history as a mirror

For more than a thousand years, the Chinese have used history as a mirror so as to learn lessons and not to repeat mistakes and have urged other countries to do the same thing. In that spirit, it may ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-31

Last Tango director Bernardo Bertolucci dies at 77

... ll-length mirror and what I was seeing at 12 wasn’t me, it was John Wayne.” “But the American films I like now do not come from Hollywood studios but from television series, like Mad Men, Breaking Bad ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-27

Juul Labs to pull sweet e-cigarette flavors to curb youth use

... week that mirror those suggested by Juul and other manufacturers. A senior agency official last week said the FDA plans to only allow sales of tobacco, mint and menthol flavors in convenience stores ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-14

科幻戲言 都到眼前

... 黑鏡》(Black Mirror)備受文化界讚揚,除了比電影更能捕捉到數碼時代的「時代精神」(Zeitgeis ...全文


Putin warns Europe against hosting US nuclear missiles

... l have to mirror this, and European countries that agree to host them, if things go that far, must understand that they are putting their own territory at risk of a possible counter-strike.” Looming a ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-25




What the CK Hutchison-Meitu partnership means for shoppers

... 's "Magic Mirror" to the ladies who shop in Watsons stores. Under the tie-up, Meitu will also be involved in Hutchison's telecoms subsidiary, 3 Hong Kong, to help the entity establish a business model ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-18


... 部的「鏡像神經元」(Mirror Neuron)有關。 顧名思義,「鏡像神經元」就像一面鏡子,我們通過觀看別人 ...全文



... 鏡子,諸如《鏡繪》(Mirror Painting),將玻璃背面加工成為灰色玻璃;在1992年第九屆卡塞爾文獻 ...全文



主攻健身智能鏡方案的美國初創Mirror,上周四(6日)宣布獲融資2500萬美元(約1.95億港元),領投方為 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年09月11日


... 可能看完Black Mirror有點陰影),但實情是亞馬遜往往夠便宜又夠方便,口裏說霸權,身體最誠實,我們通常 ...全文



... rds、Black Mirror等經典美劇無異,令人對西班牙劇集另眼相看。在此岔開一筆,資訊發達帶動劇集全球化 ...全文



... 士頓的生活照基本上是mirror image,好像他到英國國家肖像館和V&A博物館,與我在Boston ...全文



... 黑鏡》(Black Mirror),展示「擴增實境」(Augmented Reality)隱形眼鏡、小型無人機 ...全文


Why Apple may expand NFC-capabilities of the iPhone

... ntially a mirror-image of driver’s iPhone's interface, which can help drivers avoid picking up or looking down at their phones while driving. Given Apple's close relationship with various car makers, ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-30

How JD.com is using AR to boost sales

...  a makeup mirror, a dressing mirror, and smart glasses. The company also announced the establishment of China's first AR innovation alliance with Intel, Walmart, VIP.com, Lenovo, and other retail and ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-24

Trump says not sure if summit with North Korea will go ahead

... hat would mirror Libya’s abandonment of its program for weapons of mass destruction. “If the US is trying to drive us into a corner to force our unilateral nuclear abandonment, we will no longer be in ...More

EJ Insight2018-05-17


... 是科幻劇Black Mirror中的虛構劇情。 短期來說,網民們須明白「上得fb要夠chok」,即是要預算自己 ...全文


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