... rn into a WeChat-like app outside of China. WeChat, owned by Chinese technology giant Tencent Holdings (00700.HK), is China's largest mobile application with about a billion subscribers, who use it fo ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-19
... 交談,因為個個掛着玩WeChat,如果可坐低溝通,我相信能夠互相學習。」蔡永忠語重心長地說。 設身處地開導後輩 ...全文
... 大陸,Alipay和WeChat Pay基本上瓜分了全國電子錢包市場,但為何這兩大巨頭進軍香港已七八年,卻仍未 ...全文
今日信報理財投資暢所欲言Scott Cheng2019年03月16日
... s Alipay, WeChat Pay and other mobile payment platforms, which can be used both online and offline. Octopus can only be used offline. That’s the pain point for the Octopus card. Its dominance as an of ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-12
... 地WhatsApp及WeChat數據任用。 中電信國際去年亦提供大灣區月費計劃,由118元至298元不等(未包 ...全文
... ouyin and WeChat as the most downloaded free mobile app available on the Apple App Store in China. Reuters, citing two sources from Alibaba Group, said the app was actually developed by a special proj ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-08
... nd.com.hk WeChat ID:davidkho Facebook:Scaling Academy壯大 ...全文
... ouyin and WeChat to become the county’s most popular app on Apple’s China app store last week, the news agency said. It was developed by a largely unknown special projects team at Alibaba known as the ...More
EJ Insight2019-02-19
... 、WhatsApp及WeChat數據,並提供內地副號服務,方便用戶在內地開通帳戶及流動支付等服務,將流動通訊費 ...全文
... nd.com.hk WeChat ID:davidkho Facebook:Scaling Academy壯大 ...全文
... 農行(01288)。WeChat及騰訊(00700)分別排第20位及第21位。 此外,法拉利成為最強勢品牌,品 ...全文
... 農行(01288)。WeChat及騰訊(00700)分別排20及21位。 法拉利成為最強勢品牌,品牌強度指數( ...全文