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為自由台灣愈行愈遠 爛鬥爛特朗普存勝算

... 頓大學以市議會討論(Town Hall debate)形式進行的公開辯論,旨在讓未決定投誰一票的選民提問,希望 ...全文


史上「最爛」辯論 兩候選人互抹黑
希拉莉挖苦辱女言論 特朗普揭克林頓瘡疤

... 開 辯論以社區會議(town hall debate)形式進行,候選人要接受觀眾即時提問。最後一名觀眾要求候選 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global美國大選2016年10月11日


... 以「社區會堂聚會」(town hall meeting)形式舉行,由當地市民發問,兩位主持人跟進追問。跟上次辯 ...全文


End of an era: Cathay’s beloved 747 bids farewell to HK

... , Kennedy Town Praya and the observatory of the 118-storey International Commerce Centre in West Kowloon. The humpbacked plane, said to be carrying the flight crew and ground staff with their families ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-07

Tei Tong Tsai: A place to rest your mind

... Chung new town and the Hong Kong International Airport in the north and Lantau Peak and Sunset Peak in the south. About 200 meters away before arriving at the exit of the trail at Pak Kong Au was the ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-07

Time is running out for government to act on land shortage

... oking the Town Planning Ordinance, and carrying out reclamation in Victoria Harbour. However, the Wang Chau housing project saga shows how difficult it could be for the government to tap into brownfie ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-07

Land leases after 2047: nothing to be alarmed about?

...  foot New Town Plaza in Sha Tin, one of the city’s largest malls, will expire in 2047, according to its annual report. Will people be allowed to live in their homes for which they have spent decades s ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-05

Kitchee gets some relief amid govt plan to take back sports site

... nless the Town Planning Board re-zones the site, it cannot be used to build housing estates as proposed, it noted. Kitchee acknowledged that its existing lease will expire in 2017. If it is asked to l ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-04

Why Chinese tycoons are easy victims of a corrupt system

... , a small town lying on the China-North Korean border which was designated by the North Korean government as its first ever special economic region. However, just roughly one year after Yang assumed o ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-04

Protecting the interests of the rich and powerful

... ed by the Town Planning Board (TPB) on its new development in Wan Chai. The company claimed that the TPB had overlooked a ruling principle of the Basic Law to "protect the right of private ownership". ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-30

Journey back in time to a Hakka walled village in Sheung Shui

... ng at the town center and public housing buildings, one finds it quite hard to believe that this village is part of Sheung Shui. The town used to be a fertile plain of rice paddies and farms. Traces ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-30

Old town renovation in Yunnan city sparks jade fever

... s old downtown area, calling for some ancient structures and homes to be pulled down.  Amid the demolition drive, people sensed an opportunity to find jade, an ornamental rock mineral that is consider ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-28

Tseung Kwan O: When urban planning goes wrong

“Having lived in Tseung Kwan O for a few years, I can honestly say that living in prison is probably more bearable.” That’s my friend's tongue-in-cheek response when I, a Kennedy Town resident, told h ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-28

Hysan wins final ruling against height restrictions

Hysan Development Co. Ltd. (00014.HK) has won a Court of Final Appeal ruling against the Town Planning Board (TPB) over height limits in Wan Chai and Causeway Bay. The court ruled that TPB should reco ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-27

Why Hung Shui Kiu could be another minefield

... i Kiu new town project could be the largest and most ambitious in decades. Under the plan, Hung Shui Kiu, a quiet neighborhood southwest of Yuen Long, will be turned into a self-contained new town of ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-27

Golf legend Arnold Palmer dies at 87

... ndustrial town east of Pittsburgh. He was the son of a greenskeeper and later club pro at the Latrobe Country Club. -- Contact us at [email protected] CG ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-26


Blacktown屬多元文化社區,半數居民在澳洲出生,其餘半數屬移民,不少來自亞洲,其中逾成半來自印度、菲律賓 ...全文


英國脫歐 大學教育不脫常軌

... y of Cape Town)學生發起「羅德斯必須倒」(Rhodes Must Fall)運動,批判殖民時代商 ...全文

今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus 信訪報陳偉信、周澄2016年09月24日

Discover the charms of Wang Chau island

... sland and Town Island -- as well as many other small islets. Wang Chau is the smallest amongst the four key islands. Its most notable landmark is the Wang Chau Kok Cave (橫洲角洞) in the eastern part of t ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-23

It's not enough for John Tsang to wash his hands

... as out of town at the time. He also explained that his duty as chairman of the steering committee on land supply, a position he still holds, is to ensure that the Wang Chau project contributes to the ...More

EJ Insight2016-09-22

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