蘋果公司周三透過新聞稿宣布將推出新iPad Pro和MacBook Air,以及配合使用的Magic Keyb ...全文
蘋果門市iPhone換貨產品供應緊缺,手機股今早造好,瑞聲(02018)一度升4.8%,高見53元,新造52. ...全文
外電報道,蘋果公司提示零售員工稱,iPhone換貨產品緊缺,這是新型冠狀病毒肺炎疫情導致供應鏈緊張的又一個跡象 ...全文
外媒報道,由於中國爆發新型肺炎疫情,蘋果宣布臨時關閉兩家中國的Apple Store,分別位於南京和福州,連同 ...全文
無論買樓自住或投資,當然希望覓得樓價既便宜,生活配套及交通基建又完善的筍盤,但現實上魚與熊掌是否皆可兼得?位於 ...全文
In recent years, mobile phones have become more vulnerable to virus attacks. At the same time, the privacy issue is becoming increasingly important. With the explosive growth of data, security softwar ...More
EJ Insight2019-08-09
Tens of thousands of protesters marched through one of Hong Kong’s most popular tourist areas on Sunday, trying to gain support from mainland visitors for the city’s opposition to an extradition bill ...More
EJ Insight2019-07-08
美國蘋果公司近日惡運連連,股價持續下挫、新產品銷售不如預期,有人開始擔心蘋果的「盛世」已過;不過,對蘋果股價急 ...全文
今日信報EJ GlobalEJ GLOBAL plus EJ Watch呂紹煒2019年01月12日
After Apple's shares sank following a profit warning about worse-than-expected quarterly revenue last week, chief executive Tim Cook has been trying to put a positive spin to the company's outlook. Co ...More
EJ Insight2019-01-10
蘋果公司行政總裁庫克(Tim Cook)接受美國新聞網站Axios訪問時,指無可避免會有針對科技公司及社交媒體 ...全文