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Hu Jintao visits home of late party chief, paper says

... bang as a mirror to reflect their own insufficient efforts at reform. Hu Yaobang’s son said his father, who was forced to step down as party chief, was in fact a hero of the people, the report said. - ...More

EJ Insight2014-04-14

China may mirror new US law on tax cheats, SCMP says

China is expected to introduce its own version of the new US tax law that requires financial institutions around the world to provide Washington with information on US taxpayers, the South China Morni ...More

EJ Insight2014-03-28

Risks rise as Chinese inflate the bitcoin bubble

... me ways a mirror of the Wenzhou disaster. If the government stays silent about the situation, Chinese speculators will make the bitcoin bubble grow larger until it eventually bursts. RC ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-20


... year, The Mirror newspaper reported Tuesday. At the same time, licenses for new energy vehicles will increase to 60,000 a year from 20,000. Meanwhile, conventional passenger cars will be limited to 90 ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-06

Beijing to cut new passenger car licenses, paper says

The Beijing municipal government will cut the number of new passenger car licenses to 150,000 a year from 240,000 starting in 2014, The Mirror newspaper reported Tuesday. At the same time, licences fo ...More

EJ Insight2013-11-06

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