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Should judges punish young offenders too harshly?

... r thought to how a tough sentence could affect the futu ...全文

今日信報時事評論STRAIGHT-SHOOTING褚簡寧 Michael Chugani2023年10月05日

What Pandemic Preparedness Would Look Like

... about how to do better next time. Last month, a United Nations High-Level Meeting on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, and Response produced a “political declaration” that was hailed as a landmark. T ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-04

What Hong Kong can learn from Hangzhou in Night Bazaar?

It is a night to remember on this National Day not just because of the fireworks display not seen in five years that gathered over 430,000 people along Victoria Harbour, but also because the Hong Kong ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-04

美眾院議長或首撤職 民主黨成關鍵

... 動議(motion to vacate),他批評麥卡錫秘密與白宮達成協議,在另一項法案加入援助烏克蘭的內容。他 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年10月04日

How to encourage fertility

... years ago to 8% last year, according to the World Bank. Life has improved, but the willingness to bear children has been declining – the number of children a woman can be expected to have in her lifet ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-03


美國國會共和黨極右強硬派眾議員蓋茲(Matt Gaetz),周一提出罷黜動議(motion to vacate ...全文



... 不外乎變相mark-to-market。高盛對美國10年期債息今明兩年的預測,原先分別為3.9厘和3.75厘。 ...全文


成立20周年 冀拓跨境財富業務

... (China is too big to ignore)」,威靈頓亦正計劃擴大內地團隊。 ...全文



...  contrary to what is meant)。舉例說,《水滸傳》第二十八回,武松與張青一見如故,「說 ...全文


Not Destined for War

... analogous to the one between Germany and Britain prior to the last century’s two world wars. Others worry that America and China are like Sparta (the dominant power) and Athens (the rising power) in t ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-02

Contempt for Justice

...  response to the charge, roughly 100 Metropolitan Police officers handed in their licence to carry a weapon. This prompted the Home Secretary Suella Braverman KC to tweet:“We depend on our brave firea ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-02

Applying Chinese wisdom To resolve the Taiwan issue

... people is today a global hot spot, capable of precipitating a military conflict between China and the United States, possibly even a nuclear war. Why? Because Beijing insists on “unification” with the ...More

EJ Insight2023-10-02


... 其當事件好得過了份,too good to be true,又會適得其反。在某些媒體的社交平台,有關留言似乎帶 ...全文



... ge Washington University法學院,聽有關創新科技的座談會「Into the Unknow ...全文


綠債「加息」認購倒退 利率風險勿掉輕心

... 孳息率(yield to maturity)達四點八厘,也就是這項投資的總回報,遠勝相當於票面息率的二點五厘保 ...全文



... 動議(motion to vacate),最快或於10月1日展開為期48小時的程序,啟動罷黜議長表決,僅過半數 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2023年09月30日


...  best way to predict the future is to create it)。」未來,始終 ...全文


Europe should de-risk from China, but not disengage

The most prominent European businessman in China says that Europe should "de-risk" from China but not disengage. "If you refuse to sit at the table with China, then you will be on the menu." Joerg Wut ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-28

Would Redhill Peninsula be in red?

How much discount would one need to apply for cashing out the troubled Redhill Peninsula? Most of the owners of the luxury property under the spotlight for its illegal structural scandal after the rec ...More

EJ Insight2023-09-28

GSHA TO B2609-R(84454) 債券及結構性產品 - [發行通函或定價補充文件 - 債務證券]

GSHA TO B2609-R(84454) 發行人剛在本網站英文版面發布一項公告,相應中文版本或會/或不會在 ...全文


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