美國疾病控制及預防中心(CDC)周五公布,美國本土及海外屬地分別有157及122名孕婦接受寨卡病毒感染測試時呈 ...全文
美國疾病控制及預防中心(CDC)周四表示,發現首宗經男同性戀者性行為傳染寨卡病毒(Zika)的病例,一名男子1 ...全文
... 疾病控制及預防中心(CDC)副主任舒哈特(Anne Schuchat)表示,隨着對病毒了解加深,研究人員認識到 ...全文
The Curriculum Development Council (CDC) has just completed a consultation on Chinese Language curriculum, in which one of the most controversial new teaching objectives is to equip students with the ...More
EJ Insight2016-03-19
... 中確認課程發展議會(CDC)把PMIC定為長遠目標,但並無制定實施計劃和時間表。究竟CDC是基於哪份政策文件制 ...全文
... evention (CDC). Among Latino gay and bisexual men, one in four are projected to get HIV in their lifetime, and the chances of white gay and bisexual men getting HIV is one in 11, the report said. The ...More
EJ Insight2016-02-25
美國疾病控制及預防中心(CDC)周二表示,懷疑美國有14宗寨卡病毒(Zika)個案經性接觸傳染,當中更有部分病 ...全文
... 疾病控制與預防中心(CDC)資料顯示,寨卡病毒的症狀與登革熱、齊昆古尼亞(Chikungunya)熱相似,主要 ...全文
... 疾病控制及預防中心(CDC)及得州政府較審慎,只說透過性接觸傳染的機會頗高。 嚴格而言,曾有醫學文獻提及因性接 ...全文
... 疾病控制及預防中心(CDC)稱,已視寨卡病毒屬全面爆發,並設立了有數百名專家出任成員的緊急行動中心,負責跟進疫 ...全文
... 疾病及預防控制中心(CDC)公布新措施,提醒兒科醫生如何處理出生於曾感染寨卡病毒的母親的嬰兒,並呼籲美國孕婦不 ...全文
... 國疾病預防控制中心(CDC)公布的流感樣患病趨勢。Google於2009年在Nature雜誌發表這項研究,並引 ...全文
... evention (CDC), which has begun an investigation of the incident. But they had been "doing procedures that sent the agent into the air", McDonald said. When anthrax becomes airborne, it can cause a de ...More
EJ Insight2015-05-28
... evention (CDC) are taking a cue from the success of a CDC-funded Chicago hospital experiment that has managed to halve infections caused by an especially deadly type of superbug. The Chicago study foc ...More
EJ Insight2015-03-30
... evention (CDC) in the United States, the World Health Organization (WHO), and Médecins Sans Frontières, the remarkable group of doctors and nurses who risk their lives to save those of others in poor ...More
EJ Insight2014-11-13
... Under new CDC guidelines that spell out four risk categories, most healthcare workers returning from West Africa's Ebola hot zone would be considered to be at "some risk" for infection, while healthca ...More
EJ Insight2014-10-28