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HKIA faces same risk as Osaka peer if hit by big storm: expert

... the Osaka Bay after a major typhoon.  Lam pointed out that HKIA, like the Kansai International Airport, is also located on an artificial island on land acquired through reclamation, and that it basica ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-06

Why Jamie Oliver's restaurant chain ran into trouble

One day three years ago, I went to Jamie's Italian in Causeway Bay to have lunch with friends. We were all highly satisfied with the food, the ambience and the service. Also, the meal only cost us HK$ ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-05

Shenzhen home prices seen catching up with those in HK

Hongkongers have been hearing a lot about the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area plan, yet have only a vague idea about the whole thing. Given that details have been sparse, most people are fo ...More

EJ Insight2018-09-03

HK lawmaker urges Silicon Valley linkages to boost startups

... Francisco Bay Area has become one of the most expensive housing markets in America, and traffic congestion around the region has continued to reach new highs. Even if professionals are offered high pa ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-31

莫乃光訪美取經 港推智慧城市眼界遜矽谷

近年全球仿效美國三藩市灣區(The Bay Area),特別是矽谷生態圈的發展模式,提升自身創科的競爭力。本港 ...全文

今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2018年08月31日

又爆「扇貝戰爭」 英國苦無勝算

... 塞納灣(Seine Bay)鄰近海面,距離法國諾曼第沿岸約十二海里,理論上是國際海域,因此事後英國環境大臣高文 ...全文


英法漁船衝突 諾曼第爆「扇貝戰爭」
不滿海盜式捕撈 掟石怒擲汽油彈

... 塞納灣(Seine Bay),距離法國諾曼第沿岸約12海里,起初約40艘法國漁船聚集抗議英國「掠奪」扇貝資源, ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年08月30日

How cities are saving China

... e Greater Bay Area (GBA), covering nine cities around the PRD in Southern Guangdong, plus Hong Kong and Macau. As a recent HSBC report notes, each of China’s top three urban clusters has a GDP greater ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-29

Mental healthcare: How HK can become a model for Bay Area

... o Greater Bay Area project should be undertaken with proper planning. As compared to the mainland, Hong Kong currently has a far more mature public mental healthcare system in place. Now, if our syste ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-27

Turkey crisis raises questions about debt-driven China

... ct on the Bay of Bengal from one that would cost US$7.3 billion to a more modest development that would cost US$1.3 billion in a bid to avoid shouldering an unsustainable debt. Debt-driven growth coul ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-24

XRL to offer direct links to 44 mainland cities from Sept 23

... o Greater Bay Area, the Hong Kong Economic Journal reports. The first XRL train, Vibrant Express, will depart from the Kowloon West terminus at 7:00 a.m. and head for the Shenzhen North Station. The s ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-24

Why Beijing is unlikely to push HK security law before 2020

... ong-Macao Bay Area project are very likely to be their main discussion topics when meeting with Beijing officials. As to the growing public concern that Beijing might turn up the heat on the Hong Kong ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-24

Tree management law urged after falling branch kills maid

... ear Water Bay Road near Shun Lee Estate at about 7 a.m., when she was hit on the head by a branch that snapped off an Indian rubber tree. The fallen branch measured about four meters long and weighed ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-22

Amid dengue fever fears, questions arise over index data release

... , Kowloon Bay (28.7 percent), among others. Two areas, Yau Tong in Kowloon East and Wo Che in Sha Tin, even saw their AOI rise above 40 percent, which is defined as Level 4, suggesting that almost hal ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-22

Express Rail Link arrangements to be unveiled soon

... ong-Macao Bay Area. Meanwhile, Michael Tien Puk-sun, chairman for the Legislative Council subcommittee on matters relating to railways, said he believes the Executive Council did not unveil details of ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-22

Tech education: the big opportunity in the Greater Bay Area

As senior government figures work overtime to define Hong Kong’s future economic role within the Greater Bay Area, an important opportunity is being overlooked. This week, the city’s financial secreta ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-21


... um和Marina Bay等等優秀的規劃建設了。 一些重要的土地,例如中環新海濱第三號用地,在其招標的過程裏, ...全文


Bay Area opportunities, challenges: An entrepreneur group's view

... o Greater Bay Area plan. Excerpts from the interview: HKEJ: We know that Youth Entrepreneur Warrior is an entrepreneurial organization connecting Hong Kong startups with the mainland China market. Wha ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-17

Fees to be cut on China high-speed rail tickets bought in HK

... o Greater Bay Area, that China Railway Corporation (CRC) has agreed to reduce the fees for the mainland journey tickets significantly. Currently such service fees range from HK$40 to HK$90, depending ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-16

Why building a huge man-made island off Lantau is a smart idea

... ong-Macau Bay Area, it is hoped that the new man-made island can fully integrate into the “one-hour living circle” concept proposed by the central government. The biggest merit of the Enhanced East La ...More

EJ Insight2018-08-16

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