
共 1782 個結果
頁數:1...45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 ...90

Improving the ETV service to make learning more fun

Educational Television (ETV) is an educational TV programs service offered by public broadcaster Radio Television Hong Kong under a mandate given by the Education Bureau (EDB). For many decades, the E ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-29

Business chamber wants more safeguards in extradition bill

The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce (HKGCC) has sought more safeguards in the government's proposal to amend the extradition laws even as it expressed support to the "underlying principle" of th ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-28

亞馬遜申「.amazon」網域 多國抗議

網上零售商亞馬遜(Amazon)上周獲管理互聯網域名IP地址的組織ICANN批出「.amazon」網域名稱使用 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2019年05月28日

中美經貿關係 既破壞須修理

... 仍依賴美國生產設備、IP、各種零件和原材料。 我不是說只有美國科技才重要,其實如果其他國家也用同一招針對美國, ...全文


亞馬遜獲.amazon網域使用權 南美4國怒批

... 一企業所獨佔。 管理IP地址的組織ICANN上周表示,決定繼續處理亞馬遜公司的「.amazon」域名申請要求, ...全文


HK govt in a bind after two localists granted asylum in Germany

... eir participation in the Mong Kok clashes the year before. Ray Wong Toi-yeung, former convener of the localist group Hong Kong Indigenous, and Alan Li Tung-sing, one of its founding members, have been ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-23

網龍遊戲秤先 教育潛力待爆發

... 更廣泛,促使擁有優質IP(知識產權)資源優勢的廠商,紛紛把電腦端(端遊)IP遊戲切換成移動遊戲,導致端遊用戶向 ...全文


NT squires and Liaison Office may square off in Kuk election

The Heung Yee Kuk (also known as the Kuk) is set to elect its new chairman and two vice-chairmen on June 1. It is anticipated that incumbent chairman Kenneth Lau Ip-keung, who succeeded his late fathe ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-21

Regina Ip: Extradition bill to pass amid Liaison Office push

There is no doubt that all pro-establishment lawmakers in Hong Kong will back the government's proposal to amend the territory's extradition laws, New People's Party chairwoman Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee s ...More

EJ Insight2019-05-20


浙江杭州舉辦2019數字化「一帶一路」國際高峰論壇,IPv6論壇主席Latif Ladid稱,全球已經開始研究 ...全文



... 為呂葉敬儀(LUI IP KING YEE ELSA),與華美科技集團有限公司主席呂葉敬儀姓名相同。於1998 ...全文


新導演黃鐦拍黃大仙電影 反擊矮化香港言論

... ,一家韓國公司說要買IP(版權),然後拍成韓國版,我說我們連港版還沒拍啊!」黃鐦既驚喜又無奈地說。 何以無奈? ...全文


韓國瑜遭網絡留言恐嚇 IP來自香港

高雄市長韓國瑜接連遭網絡及信函恐嚇,聲稱要對他及家人不利。當地警方調查後發現,網絡恐嚇留言的IP地址、即「互聯 ...全文


猜對中美峰會選址華府 再估7月舉行

... 稅,去槓桿,加強保護IP和開放市場等重要措施。當中國改革成功時,其實對美國的挑戰更大。 在訪問中,班農的最主要 ...全文



... DISCOVERY IP(知識產權)作核心的大型綜合戶外項目。 STEM數碼教育產品合作方面,主要目標為2歲至 ...全文



... DISCOVERY IP為核心的大型綜合戶外項目,以及集教育和娛樂於一體的青少年室內探索體驗中心。 ...全文


Regina Ip-HKFTU: Going behind a political marriage

A private member's bill targeting the Link REIT that was jointly proposed by Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee of the New People’s Party and Alice Mak Mei-kuen of the Hong Kong Federation of Trade Unions (HKFTU) ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-12

Our government no longer listens to people power

When about 500,000 people marched in protest on July 1, 2003 against national security legislation, known as Article 23, a stunned Hong Kong government withdrew the proposed law. Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee ...More

EJ Insight2019-04-11

Our government no longer listens to people power

... w. Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee, the security secretary at the ...全文

今日信報時事評論STRAIGHT-SHOOTING褚簡寧 Michael Chugani2019年04月11日

摩通:騰訊發力港股逼近三萬點大關 滙豐追落後 留意騰訊購16416滙豐購17265

... 試,為美國熱門劇集的IP改編手遊,早前騰訊表示希望4月時與劇集同步推出,增加遊戲的關注度。市場對這款遊戲期望頗 ...全文


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