
共 143 個結果
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Bishop appointments in China: Pope vs the Communist Party

... asked two bishops of the underground church to step aside so that they can be replaced by two others chosen by the Communist Party and whom the church had previously labeled illegitimate. This is part ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-08

Bishop appointments in China: Pope vs the Communist Party

... asked two bishops of the underground church to step asi ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightFrank Ching2018年02月08日

澳斥240億 謀晉十大武器出口國

... 畢曉普(Julie Bishop)強調澳洲沒有把中國及俄羅斯視作軍事威脅,會繼續與中方合作。   ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2018年01月30日


... 畢曉普(Julie Bishop)時,討論到4國戰略對話構想,還向英法兩國外長了解合作意向。 日美首腦會談下月 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年10月27日

Amazon to cut Whole Foods prices, escalating grocery turf war

... said Bill Bishop of retail consultancy Brick Meets Click, and a way to get customers "thinking about buying healthy food from Amazon". The planned price cuts would have been a tough sell to Whole Food ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-25

Coadjutor bishop Yeung to succeed Cardinal Tong as diocese head

Coadjutor Bishop Michael Yeung Ming-cheung is set to become the new head of Hong Kong's Catholic diocese. Yeung, 71, will succeed Cardinal John Tong Hon, who will retire on Tuesday, the Hong Kong Econ ...More

EJ Insight2017-08-01

官方有四自信 何不放行劉霞

... 畢曉普(Julie Bishop)接受澳洲廣播公司訪問,呼籲北京當局停止對劉霞的居住監視,恢復其人身自由,讓她 ...全文


劉曉波被海葬 喪事2天內極速辦畢
劉霞仍失聯 王丹倡全球查真相

... 畢曉普(Julie Bishop)強烈要求中國釋放劉霞,她表示:「我們呼籲中國政府取消對劉曉波遺孀的人身限制, ...全文



... 畢曉普(Julie Bishop)指出,去年近800名有兒童性侵案底的澳洲人外遊,其中約半數前往東南亞,她有意 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年05月31日


... 畢曉普(Julie Bishop)昨稱,北韓政府應着重長期受苦的公民福祉,而非投資大規模毀滅性武器。 據報,中 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2017年04月24日


... 且以此學科為職業),Bishop(2015)進行了研究,結果顯示在高中沒有修讀STEM課程,而又想日後從事ST ...全文


英國脫歐 英聯邦復活?

... 畢曉普(Julie Bishop)說,更寬鬆的簽證政策可作為英澳自由貿易協定的一環討論。 其實早在二十世紀中期 ...全文



... 氏。如果英美人姓主教Bishop者眾,法國姓主教Évêque的芝士與人,還真是多如牛毛了。 按梵蒂岡森嚴等級上 ...全文


Should the Vatican give China a role in picking bishops?

The ordination last week of two Chinese bishops, Joseph Tang Yuange in Sichuan province and John Baptist Wang Xiaoxun in Shanxi province, both approved by the Vatican, appears to confirm reports that ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-06

Former HK bishop opposes potential Vatican-China deal

Cardinal Joseph Zen, the former bishop of Hong Kong, has criticized a potential rapprochement between the Vatican and Beijing, saying it would amount to "betraying Jesus Christ". Any agreement where B ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-29

New coadjutor bishop questions need for Basic Law interpretation

Yeung Ming-cheung, the newly-appointed coadjutor bishop of the Diocese of Hong Kong, has waded into the debate over Beijing's recent controversial interpretation of Hong Kong's mini-constitution. Yeun ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-15


澳洲考慮與印尼在主權有爭議的南海進行聯合海上巡邏,澳洲外長畢曉普(Julie Bishop)表示,上周在峇里島 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global簡訊2016年11月02日


... 普(Dorothy Bishop)就有此說法:「我自己就是左撇子,我一直因為自己和別人不同而耿耿於懷。多年來, ...全文



... 澳洲外長Julie Bishop及檢察官等人會晤,並在澳洲國會外交事務委員會為保衞香港自主作證。陳方安生昨日透 ...全文


中國捐款左右澳政治 美大使表憂慮

... 畢曉普(Julie Bishop)強調,政治捐獻不會影響她個人或者政府的外交政策立場,並否認她2013年出席一 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global2016年09月15日

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