... 龍」共享辦公室營運商The Great Room,於2022年高調在核心商業區中環租用頂級商廈長江集團中心全層 ...全文
... 卻說embrace the moment,聽到廣東話看見香港人香港旗已經十分高興,享受過程。也不忘讚隊友「Ci ...全文
Ismail Hanyieh, the political leader of Hamas, died of a bomb attack on Wednesday last week; the assassination was executed in Tehran, where he had been to attend the inaugural ceremony of Iran’s new ...More
EJ Insight2024-08-06
鰂魚涌THE HOLBORN高層A9室,實用面積約226方呎,開放式間隔,由於屋苑樓齡淺,單位新簇;加上消閒購 ...全文
... A Life in the American Century)。 Copyright: Project Syn ...全文
今日信報時事評論Joseph S. Nye, Jr.2024年08月06日
... Mastering The Market Cycle)強調,我們幾乎不可能預測(predict)未來市場走勢, ...全文
... 直至雜誌《紐約客》(The New Yorker)日前詢問有關事件,他笑言這是「糟糕的故事」,並在訪問刊出前公 ...全文
In 1987, the Nobel Prize-winning economist Robert Solow observed the contribution of computers to the economy. He questioned that even in the computer age of which computer applications were widesprea ...More
EJ Insight2024-08-05
鰂魚涌THE HOLBORN B座高層B8室,實用面積224方呎,開放式間隔,向東北,望開揚東九龍海景,最新以 ...全文
網媒the Information引述消息人士稱,人工智能(AI)晶片巨擘輝達(Nvidia)設計的新一代AI ...全文
... ,現在也很出名,例如The Riviera of the Orient。」他介紹說。 HKTA成立的時候,Jo ...全文
... 的要求),另一本則是The Truths We Hold:An American Journey,也就是賀錦麗 ...全文
美國科技媒體The Information引述消息報道,輝達(Nvidia)即將推出的人工智能(AI)晶片因設 ...全文