
共 1207 個結果
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William Hill燙手 無人肯接收

... 公司William Hill就更加糟糕,他們無法找到可以長久擔任行政總裁的人選。 當然,William Hil ...全文

今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2016年12月09日

英國名城劍橋 留學投資兩皆宜

... ,是由英國知名發展商Hill所推出,只需短短的車程,已能迅速往來倫敦市中心,絕對是靜中帶旺的選擇。而環繞在Ma ...全文


尼泊爾登雪山 感受人情

... 上普恩山(Poon Hill)及安納普娜峰大本營(Annapurna Base Camp),看雪山日出,感受傳 ...全文


Santa Joseph delivers property gifts to fiancée and son

...  in Gough Hill Path, Goldsmith Road and Deep Water Bay, according to Apple Daily. It is interesting to note that Lau appears to have no hesitation in giving large gifts to Kimbie, who once worked as a ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-06

拉攏台灣中國遠 中美利加「凍過水」

... 國會山莊》(The Hill)訪問時,「回憶」他當年連「台灣政府」亦不能說(只能說「〔在〕台灣的政府」〔not ...全文


Trump and the Middle East cauldron

... ston Churchill’s line about the Balkans, had produced more history than it has consumed. Nonetheless, Obama understood the value of maintaining a consistent stance in Iraq -- something that his critic ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-01

Trump to step back from business empire

... n Capitol Hill called for hearings on the issue. Rules on conflict of interest for executive branch employees do not apply to the president but Trump will be bound by bribery laws, disclosure requirem ...More

EJ Insight2016-12-01

Man collapses and dies at Sai Kung’s Sharp Peak

... ed on the hill, also known as Nam She Tsim (蚺蛇尖), which lies within the Sai Kung East Country Park, Apple Daily reports. Local hikers consider the trail as one of Hong Kong’s most difficult to climb. ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-28

The Nature Collection獨特湖畔生活
座落倫敦北 與市中心及金融城咫尺之距

... 達Stamford Hill Station,可乘搭火車前往Liverpool Street等地區;Manor ...全文



... 就是崗區郡(The Hill)的Kellyville。而在西悉尼地區中心的黑鎮(Blacktown),西北郊區 ...全文


日圓處吸引水平 成入市良機
奧運效應 東京核心地段全新住宅被看高一線

... 宜 Shibuya Hill Top位處東京最繁華的澀谷,是集商業、住宅、流行文化及娛樂於一身的地區,未來該區 ...全文


Setting aside campaign rancor, Trump and Obama meet

...  of State Hillary Clinton, Reuters reports. Obama, who vigorously campaigned for his fellow Democrat to succeed him, had repeatedly called Trump unfit for the president's office, while the businessman ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-11

倫敦The Avenue全新住宅矚目登場
環抱女王公園青葱景致 毗鄰地鐵站

... 山(Notting Hill)和Primrose Hill的古董市場和精品店。 The Avenue由世界知名 ...全文


Five kid-friendly hiking trails

... ibus 82 uphill to Pineapple Dam. This is named for the fruits which were once grown in the valley. Steps lead up to the trail, and you have views out across the waters. Information boards point out th ...More

EJ Insight2016-11-02

Looking at the islands from Lung Ha Wan Trail

... Tung is a hill with an altitude of less than 300 meters, its peak offers a panoramic view of the countryside. The Ninepin Group of islands appeared half afloat in the waters. Originally called Guo Pun ...More

EJ Insight2016-10-28

人在做 天在看

... 母公司McGraw-Hill雖口口聲聲沒有違反法例,但咁都唔算犯法,點至算?穆迪走上同一條路勢所難免,問題只在 ...全文


女領導者 處境如跳崖

... 築工程公司CH2M Hill的部門總裁,她的辦公室設於巴黎,曾參與2012年倫敦奧運工程,也加入過巴拿馬運河拓 ...全文


倫敦里士滿 河畔豪宅區
坐擁皇家公園 細味歷史印記

... 套完善,位於橋東面的Hill Street及George Street,有各式各樣的品牌連鎖店,並有多間著名的 ...全文


英加賭場「結婚」 好與壞博一鋪

... 之一William Hill PLC 宣布,與加拿大博彩公司Amaya Inc. 商討合併,新集團估值46億英 ...全文



... c Johnson-Hill)在淘寶上售賣北京空氣,易拉罐【圖】包裝上印有北京風景,還標有「謹防窒息」警告,每 ...全文


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