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... 個名為Global IP的項目投入約2億美元資金,扮演着不透明的角色。 有關報道發表後,波音受到國家安全官員的 ...全文


Former undersecretary for home affairs Florence Hui dies at 44

... as being tipped to become Hong Kong's first culture minister but the plan for a cultural bureau never materialized because of filibustering. She was awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star by the Hong Kong g ...More

EJ Insight2018-12-04

知識產權推動創新 助力科研成果商品化

... 世界知識產權指標(WIPO)報告,2016年全球專利申請超過300萬宗,按年增加24萬宗,當中98%的增長來自 ...全文


Inspiring young people who have overcome enormous odds

... to’s principles and faith in education to the next generation, the Hong Kong Professional Teachers’ Union (HKPTU) set up the Szeto Wah Education Fund in 2011, which seeks to pay tribute to inspiring s ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-23

內有惡犬 香港質變 起死回生 還看京意

... 的在禁售敏感性科技及IP給中國企業,以至中資投資美企設上限等的《強制中國落實公平貿易法案》交給國會辯論……「草 ...全文


Time to step up focus on professional, high-quality education

... ing a multiple articulation pathways for students who intend to pursue further study, with a view to benefiting both students and society as much as possible. Here I would like to call upon my fellow ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-19


... 交辦線索,經追查發現IP地址位於大慶轄區內的某微信公眾號,協調該市公安局成立專案組偵查。專案組人員歷經一年多時 ...全文


Bar Association urges govt to explain Mallet visa denial

... protocol (IP) address, were believed to have come from the mainland. It said it does not plan to seek police help since the assistant societies officer who recommended the ban of HKNP is also an assis ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-16


... 戲,大部分是基於已有IP的角色扮演遊戲及動作類的遊戲。至於個人電腦客戶端遊戲方面,收入按年下跌15%及按季減4 ...全文


Technology helps replicate in-store customer experience online

... ng at the IP address, the system can see the location of the customer and choose the right language. The more the system knows about the customer through multiple interactions, the more personalized i ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-14


... 不斷加大對史丹李相關IP的開發與宣傳力度。 ...全文


Apply new statutory maternity leave to subsidized schools now

In her latest policy address, Chief Executive Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor has proposed to extend the statutory maternity leave from 10 to 14 weeks. Even before the bill to enact her proposal is tabled ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-12

Lantau plan becomes key focus in Legco debate on Policy Address

... an Regina Ip Lau Suk-yee, who is also an Executive Council member, said reclamation is the best option to increase land supply. The government must not to give up or quit pursuing its vision just beca ...More

EJ Insight2018-11-08


阜博集團(03738)宣布,收購IP-Echelon所有軟件、相關代碼、版權及商標在內的無形資產,並擬將IP- ...全文


【信報月刊】香港乏私隱保護 恐步大陸後塵

... ,光纖秒速接通世界,iPhone進化至第十一代,唯獨法例依然佛系,用了22年仍堅持不變應萬變。 「不變」是指私 ...全文


HSMC becomes second private university in Hong Kong

... on their diplomas. No new diplomas will be issued to past graduates, however. Li Cheung-kuk, president of the school’s students’ union, said he had a hunch that the application would be approved after ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-31


... 、互聯網協議第六版(IPV6)、窄帶物聯網(NB-IOT)和北斗導航。第五代通訊網絡具高速率、大容量與低延時的 ...全文


Lam likely to get another Legco thumbs-up for policy address

...  lawmaker Ip Kin-yuen of the Hong Kong Professional Teachers' Union and proposing the vacant property tax, which is being pushed by Civic Party lawmaker Dennis Kwok Wing-hang. As such, the pan-dems ar ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-26

Legco approves five-day paternity leave

...  Lawmaker Ip Kin-yuen representing the education sector also lashed out at the government for not respecting lawmakers’ right under the Basic Law to amend a proposed bill. In the end, Chan, Leung Yiu- ...More

EJ Insight2018-10-26

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