
共 2265 個結果
頁數:1...48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 ...114

Jobless rate to carry more weight in China economic policy

...  the Hong Kong Economic Journal on March 8 Translation by Julie Zhu [Chinese version 中文版] – Contact us at [email protected] RT/CG ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-08

Trade war fears and Trump's brinkmanship

...  the Hong Kong Economic Journal on March 7 Translation by Julie Zhu [Chinese version 中文版] – Contact us at [email protected] RT/CG ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-08

Is CDR route the best way for China to bring home tech giants?

... d in Hong Kong or the US, to list on mainland stock exchanges. At the moment, there are a number of obstacles. Many of the big Chinese tech firms have used a legal structure called "variable interest ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-07

Why Trump's tariff move may actually benefit China

... and South Korea are the top three steel exporters to US, representing 16 percent, 13 percent and 10 percent of total US steel imports respectively. Although China is the second largest aluminum export ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-06

Why a real China-US trade war seems unlikely

...  the Hong Kong Economic Journal on March 2 Translation by Julie Zhu [Chinese version 中文版] – Contact us at [email protected] RT/CG ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-05


... 小子以一個「不」字「KO」教主,有型到不得了。 請喬布斯食檸檬 面對霸權,有人會選擇妥協,休斯敦卻堅持信念,最 ...全文

今日信報EJ Global人氣我寫2018年03月03日

The dilemma facing the middle-income, low-asset class

... . In Hong Kong, for example, it is not uncommon that middle-income workers are unable to afford a tiny flat even if they save up most of their earnings. This middle-income, low-asset class may be amon ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-02

Panic buying of toilet paper in Taiwan: The back story

...  the Hong Kong Economic Journal on Feb 27 Translation by Julie Zhu with additional reporting [Chinese version 中文版] – Contact us at [email protected] RC ...More

EJ Insight2018-03-01

How the Daimler deal fits into Geely's vision

...  the Hong Kong Economic Journal on Feb 27 Translation by Julie Zhu [Chinese version 中文版] – Contact us at [email protected] RT/CG ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-28

Four Chinese firms meet different fates in foreign buying sprees

...  the Hong Kong Economic Journal on Feb 26 Translation by Julie Zhu [Chinese version 中文版] – Contact us at [email protected] RT/CG ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-27

Why Foxconn unit A-share IPO is almost a sure thing

... t in Hong Kong. While this unit is often mixed up with Foxconn on mainland, they are very different. The Hong Kong unit is much smaller in size and has not been doing well at all in recent years. Rena ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-26

Why is South Korea reversing its stance on cryptocurrencies?

Less than a month ago, South Korea's Justice Minister Park Sang-ki said his ministry was preparing a bill to ban cryptocurrency trading platforms after “extensive discussion” with relevant government ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-23

Singapore's one-time cash handout and new tax moves

... e to Hong Kong, so it benefited considerably from the robust financial industry and buoyant global trade last year. The city expects an overall budget surplus of S$9.6 billion for the 2017 financial y ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-22

Tam Yiu-chung and Ma Fung-kwok will have some big shoes to fill

... g as Hong Kong deputies to the NPC and members of the National Committee of the CPPCC. Among them would be former secretary for constitutional and mainland affairs Raymond Tam Chi-yuen, former secreta ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-21

頁數:1...48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 ...114

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