
共 1514 個結果
頁數:1...48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 ...76

Kay Tse viral remarks show need for reliable medical information

... tsApp and WeChat instant messaging groups as well as online discussion sites about parenting. Reacting to the controversy, Yuen Kwok-yung, a microbiology professor at the University of Hong Kong, went ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-12

誅伐佛系 不如順潮

... nd.com.hk WeChat ID︰davidkho Facebook︰Scaling Academy壯大 ...全文


八達通推電子利是 冀新春搶客
支付戰升級 WeChat Pay消費送紅包

... 0)旗下流動支付平台WeChat Pay HK已加強攻勢,推出優惠吸客,八達通亦宣布加入電子利是戰團,推出「e ...全文


日本城美心用WeChat Pay送利是

騰訊(00700)旗下流動支付平台WeChat Pay HK用戶,由即日起至3月2日,凡於日本城、美心及稻香集 ...全文


Apple stores in China to accept Alipay payments

... Tencent’s WeChat Pay are the top two payment options in China. However, in the world's largest market for mobile phone users and mobile payment transactions, Apple's own mobile wallet, Apple Pay, rema ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-07

Banks still in testing mode on blockchain: JP Nicols

... lipay and WeChat Pay. Q: What about blockchain? It is believed that it has the potential to reduce, and possibly eliminate the role of banks in the intermediary and transaction settlement. A: When you ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-07

Traditional banks waking up to fintech challenge, says JP Nicols

... Tencent's WeChat Pay in the country. What are your thoughts on the competition between Chinese banks and domestic fintech firms? A: I think partnering [with tech companies] is the future of China's ba ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-06


... nd.com.hk WeChat ID:davidkho Facebook:Scaling Academy壯大 ...全文


HK fintech startups need partnerships to thrive: Emil Chan

As dominant operators in China such as Alipay and WeChat Pay gear up to penetrate the lucrative Hong Kong mobile payment market, the scope of mobile payments, as well as fintech industry in general, i ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-02

Alibaba to buy 33% stake in Ant Financial

... Tencent’s WeChat platform, Bloomberg said, citing data from research firm Analysys International. Still, Ant Financial almost doubled earnings in fiscal 2017 as it expanded its footprint in wealth man ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-02

Tencent launches new credit rating system

... s who use WeChat or QQ”, Tencent’s mobile messaging apps, which had 980 million and 653 million monthly active users respectively in the quarter ended September 2017, Tech in Asia reported. Consumers ...More

EJ Insight2018-02-01

港麥當勞可用WeChat Pay

騰訊(00700)昨日宣布旗下流動支付平台WeChat Pay HK與香港麥當勞成為合作夥伴,顧客於即日起可於 ...全文


Blockchain's broken promises

... , Alipay, WeChat Pay, Venmo, and so forth – have hundreds of millions of daily users. And financial institutions are making precise lending decisions in seconds rather than weeks, thanks to a wealth o ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-29

fb行銷最受捧 76%港企使用

... 僅次其後是來自內地的WeChat,佔48%;YouTube僅排第三。至於消費者網購習慣,阿里巴巴的淘寶在中、港 ...全文



... nd.com.hk WeChat ID: davidkho Facebook: Scaling Academy ...全文



... 佔76%;僅次其後是WeChat,佔48%。阿里巴巴的電子網上消費平台淘寶,香港顧客及內地顧客分別佔45%及4 ...全文



... 付來開啟此功能,港版WeChat Pay暫未支援。 用戶現在可透過以下兩種方法啟動微信支付,一是綁定任何Mas ...全文


HK credit rating system needs to catch up with the times

... s such as WeChat Pay and Alipay have already migrated to more profitable financial services from retail payment businesses. Hong Kong, on the other hand, seems to be lagging behind as its finance sect ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-23

國強在收購 旺夫益子否

... nd.com.hk WeChat ID:davidkho Facebook:Scaling Academy壯大 ...全文


Apple, Tencent reach deal over WeChat 'tipping' feature

Apple and Tencent have reached a deal that will allow the users of WeChat, Tencent's popular messaging app, to resume giving in-app monetary gifts to content creators, the Wall Street Journal reports. ...More

EJ Insight2018-01-16

頁數:1...48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 ...76

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