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太陽世紀集團(01383)主席周焯華【圖】(綽號洗米華)除活躍於澳門博彩行業外,近年也涉足本港,首個項目為與「 ...全文


葵花雞 生平吃過最好味

無雞不成宴,雞可謂所有宴席之主角。中國古代重視雞,稱它為「五德之禽」頭上有冠是文德,足後有距能鬥是武德,敵在前 ...全文



超級豪宅頻現成交, 信德(00242)旗下南區舂磡角洋房項目亦趁機部署下月推售,信德集團物業銷售總監梁焯鏗表示 ...全文



... 置地(00124)、信德集團(00242)、中外運航運(00368)、中遠國際控股(00517),以及鄭煤機( ...全文


租賃會計新規 影響港上市公司

國際會計準則委員會(IASB)今年1月發布新會計準則,將來要求對負債表上有關「租賃」的處理更加透明。IASB估 ...全文



商場是滙聚人流的地方,若經營得法,租金收入很可觀,澳門商人周焯華(綽號洗米華)及資深投資者「磁帶大王」陳秉志, ...全文



市場消息透露,上環信德中心招商局大廈33樓一個建築面積1139方呎單位,以2084.37元萬售出,呎價約1.8 ...全文



... 會輸身家 邱達昌攜手信德集團(00242)董事總經理何超瓊、富力地產(02777)董事長李思廉及聯想控股(03 ...全文


Hengqin doubles footprint, welcomes Hong Kong projects

Hengqin, the special economic zone adjoining Macau, has received approval from the State Council to double its land area and promised a warm welcome to projects from Hong Kong and Macau. Niu Jing, dir ...More

EJ Insight2015-12-14


創業板新股首日股價動輒出現倍升的「亂象」,惹來監管機構高度關注,會計師事務所立信德豪董事林鴻恩建議,在創業板新 ...全文


云爾錄 :大型海岸垃圾屯門最嚴重

今年10月信德集團(00242)的港澳噴射船「海皇星號」,在小鴉洲對開懷疑撞到大型漂浮物,導致124人受傷,環 ...全文


Beyond tequilas and blueberries: Mexico pitches high-tech goods

Hong Kong and Chinese importers should explore Mexico's wide array of manufactured goods such as telecommunication and high-tech products, not just its traditional food and spirits exports, according ...More

EJ Insight2015-11-10

Why new players want to jump into the media fray

There must a direct correlation between media and politics, but a reverse correlation between media and economics.  Although many media owners are either losing money or making much less than before,  ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-29

Hong Kong rejects Jetstar application for local license

Hong Kong has rejected an application by Jetstar Hong Kong Ltd. for a license that would allow it to become a local airline. In its decision, the Air Transport Licensing Authority said the budget carr ...More

EJ Insight2015-06-26

New i-Cable free-TV unit to get HK$1 bln start-up funding

Hong Kong cable operator i-Cable Communications Ltd. (01097.HK) will invest more than HK$1 billion (US$129 million) in the first six months of its new free-to-air television unit. The company expects ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-12

Last struggles of ailing ATV

Can anyone figure out what is happening at the ailing station Asia Television (ATV) Ltd.? Its latest deal is to dispose of 28 TV series (including a vampire series and the famous drama I Have a Date W ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-08

Richard Li confident new TV station will go on air in a year

Hong Kong Television Entertainment Co. Ltd. (HKTE), the free-to-air television arm of PCCW Ltd. (00008.HK), will launch its channels as per plan without delay, group chairman Richard Li Tzar-kai said. ...More

EJ Insight2015-05-07

Are there enough readers for more pro-establishment websites?

A new pro-establishment website founded by former RTHK host Robert Chow Yung will debut on May 5, just in time to join the second phase of the debate on universal suffrage. The website will be called ...More

EJ Insight2015-04-29

David Chiu forms consortium to seek free-TV license

David Chiu Tat-cheong, the son of the late former owner of troubled Asia Television Ltd., is leading a consortium to seek a free-television broadcasting license. Forever Top (Asia) Ltd., the name of t ...More

EJ Insight2015-04-22

Is Jetstar Hong Kong push worth it?

For more than two years, I have been baffled by the do-whatever-it-takes efforts of Qantas affiliate Jetstar Airlines to become a Hong Kong airline. As the proceedings of the Air Traffic Licensing Aut ...More

EJ Insight2015-04-10

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