
共 1025 個結果
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Tung Chee-hwa sets up new think tank with heavyweights

Former Hong Kong leader Tung Chee-hwa has set up a new think tank that is made up of at least 70 members, including former chief secretary Henry Tang and former Hong Kong Monetary Authority chief Jose ...More

EJ Insight2014-10-28

Macau and Hengqin: So close, so far apart

So near each other, Macau and Hengqin might as well have been born joined at the hips. Separated by a narrow causeway and linked by a 1.78 kilometer bridge, they’re as close as any two land masses cou ...More

EJ Insight2014-03-24

MKW pushes diplomatic button for Viva Macau compensation

MKW Capital Management, an international private-equity fund, is preparing to fire a fresh salvo against the Macau government for losses suffered due to the sudden grounding of budget carrier Viva Mac ...More

EJ Insight2014-03-12

China Eastern's low-cost venture may fly high

China Eastern Airlines (00670.HK, CEA.US, 600115.CN) has been flying in and out of troubled skies. The state-owned firm's alliance with Qantas Airways and Shun Tak Holdings to build up the Jetstar Hon ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-22

INTERVIEW: Jetstar seeks short-haul lift from China and beyond

Travel may be taking off in China but it may not reach its potential without more-open skies and a serious expansion of aviation infrastructure, so says one of the heads of Australian budget carrier J ...More

EJ Insight2014-01-08

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