... ts led by Amazon. In addition to selling books online, Amazon also offers e-books through its Kindle device. How did Daunt win the battle against Amazon and other e-vendors? Well, he has adopted three ...More
EJ Insight2019-06-20
... 竟達15%。而且隨着Amazon Echo與Google Home等智能聲控設備將繼續競爭,預算「聲音新聞節目 ...全文
... 尤其值得關注,皆因在Amazon稱霸市場之下,Waterstones幾年前瀕臨破產,委任前銀行家James D ...全文
市場研究公司eMarketer周五表示,全球最大網上零售商亞馬遜(Amazon)今年的美國電商市場佔有率預測已 ...全文
Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden took umbrage with e-commerce giant Amazon.com Inc.’s US$0 federal tax bill in 2018, Reuters reports. “I have nothing against Amazon, but no company pulling in ...More
EJ Insight2019-06-14
... oogle and Amazon has hammered revenues while more than half the world’s population now has access to news via an internet connection. But will people actually pay for news? The Reuters Institute for t ...More
EJ Insight2019-06-12
Amazon.com Inc said it will end its US restaurant food delivery service on June 24, giving in to intense competition from GrubHub Inc, DoorDash, Uber Technologies’ Uber Eats services, Reuters reports. ...More
EJ Insight2019-06-12
隨着全球最大網上零售商亞馬遜(Amazon)加緊開發空運業務,美國第二大速遞公司聯邦快遞(FedEx)上周五宣 ...全文
... 「發了大財」,然後被Amazon收購。Twitch在巔峰時刻,流量僅次於Netflix和YouTube,有了流 ...全文
... oogle、亞馬遜(Amazon)等大型科技公司近年備受批評,因為無論他們的終端客戶位於何方,這些公司都會選擇 ...全文
... 飛行。亞馬遜付費服務Amazon Prime全球會員數目超過1億,大部分居於高樓林立的城市,對有關服務或無福消 ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年06月07日
... hs of the Amazon (which would significantly accelerate global warming), has become a lightning rod for student protests, environmentalists, and gay-rights activists. Anticipating massive protests, he ...More
EJ Insight2019-06-06