
共 3000 個結果
頁數:1...62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 ...150

Will the National Security Law endanger our common law system?

... elped our city to thrive as a commercial centre for over 150 years. About a third of the world’s population now lives under some form of common law. It is valued for transparency and simplicity. Dispu ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-15


... 為網絡城市(Net City)。 項目佔地2100萬平方呎,當中有寫字樓、學校、住所公寓、體育設施、公園和零售 ...全文


倫敦象堡區 一線地帶上車首站
抗疫見曙光 重建改造再現輝煌

... ,象堡區鄰近西敏市(City of Westminster)、西區(West End)和倫敦市(City of ...全文


Contactless payment: path to a better HK public transit future

Hong Kong is well positioned to introduce contactless payment into the city’s public transportation system, said Gavin Ho, Head of Merchant Sales & Acquiring, Visa Hong Kong and Macau. Open-loop c ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-10

曼徹斯特最高地標建築物 坐落CBD黃金地段 地標式摩天豪宅Deansgate Square僅約25萬英鎊起

... 工程及及Media City第二期重建項目等數之不盡,相信逐步完工後帶來龐大的商機和經濟效益,令樓市走勢節節上 ...全文



... 推的Charter City概念,不只是一個天馬行空的想法,據聞已有香港人聯絡外國政府希望付諸實行。在香港的「 ...全文


Should we be worried about HK?

... alter the city’s way of life or its protected rights. Every major country has some kind of national security law. Any new law will be implemented and enforced by Hong Kong’s own judicial system. How d ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-02

Hong Kong in the cross-hairs of both China and the U.S.

... ts in the city to punish. Ironically, both China and the United States say that they have the best interests of Hong Kong people at heart, yet the Hong Kong people are fearful of what the result might ...More

EJ Insight2020-06-02

HK:COVID-19 response shows room for greater cultural sensitivity

... eak – our city’s insensitivity towards the needs of ethnic minorities. When the novel coronavirus first broke out, official information on health protection and quarantine measures were published in C ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-28


... 鬼城」(ghost city)。 學者共識到新城需時讓人遷入的原因有兩個:一、安哥拉政府需時建設食水和渠務系統 ...全文


The new normal: WFHF or working from home forever

... ment, the city’s Central may soon lose its ranking as having the world’s most expensive office space. Property developers may also have to rethink their strategies going forward. Micro flats attract m ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-27

Smell the future: We are slipping into an authoritarian state

... rt of the city’s soul. Be prepared for even darker days. Our very way of life is being methodically dismantled. Today's Hong Kong is no longer the Hong Kong we knew just a year or two ago. Beijing, to ...More

EJ Insight2020-05-21


豐泰地產宣布,以約4.492億美元(約35億港元)出售南韓首爾西南永登浦行政區的甲級商廈Young City予 ...全文



豐泰地產宣布,售出旗下南韓首爾甲級寫字樓綜合項目Young City。 項目為兩幢樓高13層連地下停車場,共提 ...全文


Hong Kong will be loser in Sino-U.S. Cold War

... using the city as part of its global campaign to "attac ...全文

今日信報時事評論EJ InsightMark O'Neill2020年05月16日


「The materials of city planning are: sky, space, trees, ...全文


河內Central Residence 88萬港元起月底銷售

... ai的Gamuda City第二期Gamuda Central的住宅項目Central Residence。物 ...全文


越南Gamuda Central入場費88萬港元

... 宅項目Gamuda City第二期Gamuda Central。物業由3幢住宅組成,合共提供2605伙,實用面 ...全文



... 西倫敦的White City 80億英鎊重建區正是這樣一處寶地,坐擁商業、傳媒、科技、教育等行業資源,而且可以 ...全文


頁數:1...62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 ...150

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