... ova)表示,自己在Instagram(IG)放上冬泳時穿着比堅尼泳衣,以及日常短裙高踭鞋打扮【圖】的照片後, ...全文
... rCarsHK / Instagram︰@rollsroycemotorcarshongkong。 ...全文
... 歸旗下的相片分享平台Instagram全球用戶人數未幾仍輕易衝破十億大關。風頭火勢尚且如此,社交媒體使用者口口 ...全文
... acebook’s Instagram and other sharing platforms will also have to install filters to prevent users from uploading copyrighted materials. Both provisions triggered fierce lobbying from both sides. The ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-27
... acebook’s Instagram and other sharing platforms to install filters to catch copyright violations known as Article 13, but now renumbered to Article 17, has triggered protests, with an online petition ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-26
... 、WhatsApp和Instagram(IG),業界當時覺得,朱克伯格是委派親信去加強控制收購回來的Whats ...全文
... 所有平台都適用,包括Instagram和Messenger。使用這個門戶網站的廣告商將跟用於宣傳其他服務的系統 ...全文
... including Instagram and Messenger, according to the report. Advertisers on the portal, which will be separate from the system used to advertise other sets of services, will not be able to target ads b ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-20
Facebook is the world's largest social media network, and aside from the Facebook platform, it controls some of the leading internet communication apps – WhatsApp, Instagram and Messenger. The company ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-19
... 星阿諾舒華辛力加,在Instagram上載一張他看似慘情地睡在自己銅像前的照片,並寫道:「How times ...全文
... 檢測未經許可在fb和Instagram(IG)上共用的裸艷照片或視頻。 此外,該公司還將在其安全中心頁面上推出 ...全文
... tsapp and Instagram. Facebook, Twitter and YouTube all said they had taken steps to remove copies of the videos. Facebook said it had deleted the gunman’s accounts “shortly after the livestream commen ...More
EJ Insight2019-03-16
繼Google前天故障後,社交平台Facebook(fb),以及屬同一公司的Instagram(IG)、即時通 ...全文
... pchat多於fb或Instagram。 Snap改革廣告業務,推出自助式廣告平台,企業客戶毋須再通過Snap ...全文
今日信報理財投資THE LEX COLUMN2019年03月15日