... 下跌0.6%。 旗下GU同店生意跌 單計第三季,該公司盈利228億日圓,按年下跌4.5%;收益按年增長8.9% ...全文
... eat while Gu Weihao, general manager of its intelligent vehicle division, was on the driver’s seat, although his hands were not on the steering wheel. Traffic authorities are investigating whether the ...More
EJ Insight2017-07-06
... eencool), Gu Chujun, to give up HK$482 million of profit from his market misconduct. Gu, a mainland business tycoon, controlled at one point up to seven public companies more than a decade ago, includ ...More
EJ Insight2017-06-29
... ts on a regular basis, Sing Tao Daily reported. Two of the operators-Capital Café and Xiao Tian Gu Dessert Kaffee - decided to pull out of the business in March and May, respectively. They will be rep ...More
EJ Insight2017-06-15
... the way, Gu Long, the late and famous novelist who was born in Hong Kong and died in Taiwan, had been one of its regular patrons. This article appeared in the Hong Kong Economic Journal on May 19 Tra ...More
EJ Insight2017-05-26
... 港元),旗下另一品牌GU將加快拓展,包括在港開2間分店。 迅銷每份香港預託證券派中期息0.0813港元(每股普 ...全文
... 售市道,旗下廉價品牌GU首度進軍香港開設兩間店舖,並預計未來3年在中港台開設逾50間店舖。不過,參考彭博數據顯 ...全文
... NIQLO的廉價品牌GU在港開店,他不擔心競爭,因大家的客路不同,又指「驚都唔係驚佢」。他說:「UNIQLO覺 ...全文
UNIQLO母公司迅銷(06288)旗下廉價品牌GU首度進軍香港,一次過連開兩間分店。GU香港首席營運總監小倉 ...全文
Sing Pao Daily has called the police after assailants splashed red paint on the residence of a member of its management team. This is the fourth time that the Chinese-language newspaper has called the ...More
EJ Insight2017-02-27
... is fair," Gu Minkang, a mainland-born law professor at the City University of Hong Kong, was quoted as saying. "Anti-government activists like Joshua Wong, Nathan Law and Alex Chow were merely kept in ...More
EJ Insight2017-02-22
... Professor Gu Minkang told the newspaper that it is unfair for foreign judges to make a judgement based on their biased stance. He said it is unreasonable for the court to sentence Ken Tsang, the victi ...More
EJ Insight2017-02-22
... e since August. The stalking started in mid-February when large groups of suspected mainlanders began harassing staff and taking their photos. One of the targets was chief editor Lau Mei-yee. Police s ...More
EJ Insight2017-02-22
... 授Suh Yong-gu指出,三星若要挽回形象,須要推出改良產品,以及藉李在鎔被捕的契機,提高公司的透明度,跟 ...全文
今日信報財經新聞StartupBeat 創科鬥室2017年02月22日